How can a poor and sick person (we'll leave out the sick person for the time being, let's first study a poor person) how can he fulfill ivdu es Hashem b'simcha?
If suffering causes greatness, how is it that when the wise men were asked, chavivin alecha yisurin, do you love suffering? One case after the other they replied no, lo hein vlo sechoron ....
An age-old question: should someone marry another person to whom there is a feeling of comfortableness, but lacks a special feeling toward that person?
Is the only way to feel the sweetness in water, is when it's forbidden (mayim gnuvim yimtoku - Mishlei 9:17)? Is there another way to enjoy water that's permissible?
What's meant by the statement in the Gemara, that for everything that a man sees and he didn't utilize to have pleasure, he's going to give in the future an account why he didn't utilize ....