Chometz and Chol Hamoed Trips:
Chometz and Chol Hamoed Trips:Reprinted from SSCM Rav Felder shlita.
On Pesach one may not derive any benefit from chometz. Feeding
animals chometz, even if they are not his own animals, is considered äàðä
and is forbidde ....

Posted 4/11/2022 11:29 PM |
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Matzah on Erev Pesach:
Matzah on Erev Pesach:
Reprinted from SSCM Rabbi Felder shlita: On Erev Pesach, matzah may not be eaten the entire day. A child who is
old enough to be part of the seder should as well, not be given matzah to
eat on ....

Posted 4/11/2022 11:24 PM |
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Halachos of Storing Chometz on Pesach:
Halachos of Storing Chometz on Pesach:
Reprinted from Rabbi Felder of SSCM
It is forbidden to have chometz (even if it was sold to the goy) in a place
where one may come to eat the chometz. Therefore, a Mechitza of 10 T ....

Posted 4/8/2022 2:12 PM |
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Non- Food Chometz Products:
Non- Food Chometz Products:
Reprinted from Rabbi Felder of SSCM
Playdough should be put away for Pesach as children may put it in their
Non-edible products containing chometz that are used topically (ie
sha ....

Posted 4/8/2022 2:08 PM |
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Chometz that belongs to a goy
Chometz that belongs to a goy:Reprinted from Rabbi Felder at SSCM
One may not eat Kosher L'Pesach food on a table with someone who is eating
chometz (ie at work or in a park). However, being that the chometz is in the
goy ....

Posted 4/8/2022 1:56 PM |
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How to Celebrate Sukkos – Part 1:
Reprinted from Westmount Shul © 2019 Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz
The Mitzvah of Living in a Sukkah:
1. For the entire seven days, a person should consider the Sukkah to be his permanent home and
his house a temporary place. Therefo ....

Posted 10/11/2019 7:24 AM |
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How to Celebrate Sukkos – Part 1:
The Mitzvah of Living in a Sukkah:
© 2016 Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz
1. For the entire seven days, a person should consider the Sukkah to be his permanent home and
his house a temporary place. Therefore, a person should eat, sleep ....

Posted 10/13/2016 9:14 PM |
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How to Celebrate Rosh Hashanah 5777
Reprinted from Rabbi Y. Michalowicz
Erev Rosh Hashanah:
1. It is customary [but not mandatory] to fast until Halachik mid-day. [1:06 PM]
2. Additional Selichos are said in the morning.
3. No Tachanun is said during the mor ....

Posted 9/29/2016 11:58 PM |
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Hilchos Tisha B'Av 5776
Hilchos Tisha B'Av 5776 from Rabbi Weber
Shabbos Chazon, August 13, we daven Mincha at 5:25 p.m. The early Mincha allows time to return home for an appropriate pre-fast Seudah Shelishis. No classic pre-Tisha B'Av rules (e.g., eating ....

Posted 8/11/2016 11:59 PM |
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The Laws of the Nine Days - 5776:
Reprinted from Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz
1. The Talmud teaches us “When the Jewish month of Av enters, we decrease our happiness.
2. The Jewish month of Av begins Thursday night, August 4th at sunset. This begins a more intense period o ....

Posted 7/29/2016 3:48 PM |
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Halacha Corner by HaRav Yirmiya Milevsky, From Rosh Chodesh Av until Tisha B’Av we adopt practices of
mourning to commemorate the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash.
Home improvements and aesthetic enhancements of o ....

Posted 7/29/2016 2:52 PM |
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The Missing Fifth
The Missing Fifth – An Extract from Rabbi Sacks’ Haggada
Many commentators, among them the Vilna Gaon, have drawn attention to the influence of the number four in connection with the Haggadah. There are four fours:
Th ....

Posted 4/21/2016 3:39 PM |
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How to Celebrate Purim - 5776: Happy Purim
by Rabbi Michalowicz
Purim is celebrated this year on Wednesday evening March 23th and Thursday March 24th.
1 – Fast of Esther:
1. The fast is on Wednesday, March 4th.
2. The fast begins at 5:48 A.M. and ends at 8:25 P.M. ....

Posted 3/18/2016 5:21 PM |
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Posted 12/10/2015 6:15 PM |
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Laws of Chanukah By Rabbi Michalowicz
General Laws and Customs:
1. There is no requirement to have a festive meal on Chanukah. According to some opinions, there is a
Mitzvah to have festive meals to celebrate the rededication of the Temple. In order for such a meal to

Posted 12/3/2015 11:12 PM |
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The Mesilas Yesharim writes that man was created to have pleasure. Not just any pleasure, rather "to delight in Hashem and have pleasure from the radiance of His Shechina." Moreover, Chazal tell us that in the World to Come there ....

Posted 2/26/2010 12:00 AM |
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Erev Shabbos--Halachos of Shabbos Series.
1. As noted immediately above, an absolutely essential aspect of every Mitzvah is the intent, attitude and approach. The Mishne Berurah (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 244, seif katan 35) provides the following ....

Posted 9/4/2009 12:00 AM |
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Erev Shabbos--Hilchos Shabbos Series
The following Halachos relate to the Melacha of Boneh—building--and are excerpted from The Shabbos Home, Volume 2, by Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen, Shlita:
1. It is permitted to remove the sink strainer from the drain, and replace it t ....

Posted 8/14/2009 12:00 AM |
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Erev Shabbos--Hilchos Shabbos series:
a. Plastic covers which cover light switches to avoid someone inadvertently turning them on, and plastic covers which cover electrical outlets to prevent babies from touching them, are not Muktza, because as protective covers they constitute ....

Posted 8/7/2009 12:00 AM |
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Erev Shabbos--Hilchos Shabbos Series
This Shabbos, Shabbos Chazon (as we eat meat and drink wine during the Nine Days), we should be especially aware of the Kedushas Shabbos, with the knowledge that as great as the Binyan Bais HaMikdash is--and what it would accomplish for the whole w ....

Posted 7/26/2009 12:00 AM |
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