Sunday, January 19, 2025
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Shiurim List For Toronto
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TIME TITLE                    GIVEN BY                                     GIVEN AT
Down Town   Click title for details.
6:00amGemaraMRabbi Yaakov KaplanTalmudForest Hill Jewish Centre
9:15am-9:45amHalacha - Laws of MukztahM/WRabbi Dovid ApplerouthHalachaForest Hill Jewish Centre
Bathurst & Eglinton   Click title for details.
After MinchaMishna and HalachaMHarav M. OchsHalachaTorath Emeth Jewish Centre
Following 7:30 ...Mishnayos ShiurMRav Kalman OchsMishnayosTorath Emeth Jewish Centre
6:02amEnglish Daf YomiMMr. Yoni SlaterDaf YomiTorath Emeth Jewish Centre
6:45amYiddish Daf YomiMMr. Y.Y. CohenDaf YomiTorath Emeth Jewish Centre
7:30amEnglish Daf YomiMRabbi Y. FeigenbaumDaf YomiTorath Emeth Jewish Centre
9:00am-10:00amParshaM/WRabbi PosenParshaVillage Shul, The
9:30am-10:30amBusiness Halacha ChaburaMRav Kalman OchsHalachaTorath Emeth Jewish Centre
7:30pmNaviMRabbi GoldbergTanachTorath Emeth Jewish Centre
8:00pm-9:00pmGemara Shiur on Mesechas Bava MRav Kalman OchsTalmudTorath Emeth Jewish Centre
8:00pmEnglish Daf YomiMMr. Yoni SlaterDaf YomiTorath Emeth Jewish Centre
8:00pmMishna BeruraMRabbi Y. FeigenbaumHalachaTorath Emeth Jewish Centre
8:15pmEnglish Daf YomiMMr. L. GerstnerDaf YomiTorath Emeth Jewish Centre
8:30pm-9:30pmJudaism Crash Course - 10 weekM/WRabbi Dovid ZaudererJudaismVillage Shul, The
Bathurst & Lawrence   Click title for details.
6:00amDaily TalmudMRabbi BornsteinTalmudShomrai Shabbos Chevrah Mishnayos C
6:00amAmud HayomiMRabbi Yaakov GottliebAmud YomiShomrai Shabbos Chevrah Mishnayos C
6:15amDaily TalmudMRabbi Yosef SimonTalmudShomrai Shabbos Chevrah Mishnayos C
6:45amDaf YomiMDr. Yechiel KurtzDaf YomiShomrai Shabbos Chevrah Mishnayos C
7:15am-7:45amDaf YomiMRabbi Uri KaufmanDaf YomiAgudath Israel Anshei Keltz
7:30amGemara ShiurM/WRabbi Chaim StrauchlerAmud YomiShaarei Shomayim Congregation
8:30amAmud HayomiMRabbi Yaakov FelderAmud YomiShomrai Shabbos Chevrah Mishnayos C
9:30am-10:00amParshat HashabuaM/WRabbi BartfeldParshaShaarei Shomayim Congregation
10:00amHalachaWRabbi SilverHalachaOhr Somayach/JEP
11:00amAdvanced TalmudMRabbi ReichTalmudKollel Toronto
11:00amShearim B’TefillahWMrs. Esther BasserPrayerBeth Jacob High School
12:00pmShir HashirimWMrs. Esther KohnHashkafaBeth Jacob High School
1:00pm-1:55pmHalacha ChaburaMRav Mordechi KannerHalachaZichron Schneur
7:00pm-8:00pmTalmud - Intermediate MRabbi PosenTalmudOhr Somayach/JEP
7:30pm-8:30pmMishnayosMRabbi PosenMishnayosOhr Somayach/JEP
8:30pm-9:30pmJ.E.P. Night YeshivaMRabbi PosenKollel - NightOhr Somayach/JEP
8:30pm-9:30pmHalacha & Parsha/HashkafaWRabbi Chaim Dovid KulikHashkafa30 Fairholme
8:30pmParsha and HalachaWRabbi Benjie JacobyHalacha553 Coldstream Ave
9:00pm-9:45pmParshaM/WRabbi Eliezer BreitowitzParshaOhr Somayach/JEP
9:30pmThoughts on the ParshaMRabbi HirschmanParshaKollel Toronto
Bathurst & Wilson   Click title for details.
30 min. before ...MishnayosMRabbi WeiszbergerMishnayosClanton Park Synagogue
6:00amDaf Yomi - YiddishMRabbi ReichDaf YomiClanton Park Synagogue
7:15am-8:20amDaf YomiMRabbi BartfeldDaf YomiShaarei Tefillah Synagogue
7:15amDaf YomiMRabbi BraunDaf YomiClanton Park Synagogue
9:00am-9:30amTefillahM/WRabbi Rafi LipnerPrayerShaarei Tefillah Synagogue
9:00am-9:30amMitzvos of the Weekly ParashahMRabbi WeberParshaClanton Park Synagogue
9:00amHilchos Shabbos: Background &MRabbi WebberHalachaClanton Park Synagogue
8:30pmAmud YomiMRabbi Chaim KaplanAmud YomiClanton Park Synagogue
8:30pmDaf Yomi - Chaburah RotationM Chaburah RotationDaf YomiClanton Park Synagogue
8:50pm-10:00pmDaf YomiMRabbi BartfeldDaf Yomi77 Regina Ave
Bathurst & Sheppard   Click title for details.
9:30amTalmud ShiurM Yitz KurtzTalmudYeshivat B’nei Akiva Or Chaim
7:00pmRamban on the ParshaMRabbi Dovid PamParshaKollel Yismach Moshe
Bathurst & Finch   Click title for details.
7:30am-8:00amDaf YomiMRabbi Nir LifshitzAmud YomiCongregation Bnai Torah
8:45pmAdvanced TalmudMRabbi ReichTalmudCongregation Bnai Torah
Bathurst & Steeles   Click title for details.
7:30am-8:00amDaf YomiMRabbi Nir LifshitzAmud Yomi465 Patricia Ave.
10:00amHalachaMRabbi Eliyahu ZrihenHalachaAbir Yaakob Congregation
8:00pm-9:00pmVarious ShiurimM Night Yeshiva StaffKollel - NightAbir Yaakob Congregation
Bathurst & Clark   Click title for details.
6:00am-6:45amDaf YomiM Daf YomiBeth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto
7:15amDaf YomiMRabbi Daniel KorobkinDaf YomiBeth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto
8:20am-9:05amDaf YomiM Daf YomiBeth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto
8:20am-9:05amDaf YomiM Daf YomiBeth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto
8:45amDaf YomiMRabbi Daniel KorobkinDaf YomiBeth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto
9:00am-9:30amThe Heart of the MitzvahMRabbi R GoldwasserMishnayosWestmount Shul & Learning Centre
9:00amHilchos Chol HamoedMRabbi Avrohom BittermanHalachaAteres Mordechai
1:30pm-2:00pmMidday class and Mincha: Baal MRabbi Yossi MichalowiczMussarWestmount Shul & Learning Centre
7:30pm-8:00pmRambam HalachasMRabbi Yossi MichalowiczHalachaWestmount Shul & Learning Centre
8:45pm-9:30pmDaf YomiM Daf YomiBeth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto
9:00pmDaf YomiMRabbi WeinbergDaf YomiBeth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto
9:30pmRambam class, LawsMRabbi Yossi MichalowiczHalachaWestmount Shul & Learning Centre
Bathurst & Centre   Click title for details.
99 Pondview Rd
Life’s lessons from the parshaWRebbetzin Gaela Leah (Gail) MiJudaism99 Pondview Rd.
8:30pm-9:10pmLife’s lessons from the parshaWRebbetzin Gaela Leah (Gail) MiJudaism99 Pondview Rd.
99 Pondview Rd
Life’s lessons from the parshaWRebbetzin Gaela Leah (Gail) MiJudaism99 Pondview Rd.
North of Hwy 7   Click title for details.
8:30pmInspiring & Fascinating InsighM/WRabbi Shimshon SternParshaCountry Shul

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