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                                                                   Index by:         Category   |   Section   |   Business Name                           
FRUMToronto Business Directory 1772 Business Listings

Health & Beauty
Acupuncturist (3)
Aerobics (7)
Beauty (33)
Chiropractor (2)
Coaching (3)
Dentists (11)
Diet Plan (10)
Dietician (7)
Divorce (3)
Doctors and Physicians (14)
Ear Piercing (1)
Esthetics (9)
Fitness Training (16)
Food (5)
Hair Accessories (13)
Hair Stylists (9)
Health and Wellness (34)
Health Care (40)
Health Products (14)
Hearing Aids (2)
Holistic Practice (17)
Home Care (24)
Inclusive programs (2)
Inclusive recreational programs (3)
Makeup & Facials (9)
Makeup Artists (15)
Massage Therapy (11)
Mediation (2)
Medical Supplies (8)
Nursing & Health (7)
Nutritionist (13)
Occupational Health and Safety (2)
Optician (5)
Orthodontist (2)
Orthotics (4)
Personal Style Consultant (4)
Physiotherapy (10)
Podiatrist (1)
Psychiatrists (2)
Psychologists (6)
Psychotherapists (6)
Recreational programs (3)
Rehabilitation Services (7)
Walk-in Clinics (3)
Weight Loss (16)

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