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Shabbos and Yom Tov information.

Blog Image: rav_felder.jpeg
Chometz and Chol Hamoed Trips:
Chometz and Chol Hamoed Trips:
Reprinted from SSCM Rav Felder shlita.

On Pesach one may not derive any benefit from chometz. Feeding
animals chometz, even if they are not his own animals, is considered äàðä
and is forbidden on Pesach.
As animal feed at a zoo or farm may contain chometz, one should not feed
it to the animals (even if one does not purchase the chometz feed).
If one takes a hotel room on chol hamoed, one should check the room for
chometz with a flashlight (Bedikas Chometz) and not recite a bracha.
Many hotels have a snack bar and/or a mini bar in the refrigerator of every
room, and the hotel charges when one uses an item. The chometz in the
bar presents two issues: firstly, one is required to put away chometz in a
closed area. Secondly, one may be considered responsible for the
chometz in the hotel room ie, if it is missing from the bar. This
responsibility is forbidden on Pesach. Therefore, one should ask the
management to remove the chometz or lock it up.

Posted 4/11/2022 11:29 PM | Tell a Friend | Gut Shabbos & Gut Yom Tov | Comments (0)

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