Special Thanks for Rain in Israel
We were asked to inform our readers to please thank Hashem for the much-needed rain in Israel and ask for more by davening with special kavanah during Shemone Esrei in "Shema Koleinu" or Elokai Natzor." Please see this link from Aurtz Sheva for fur ....
Posted 3/2/2009 12:00 AM |
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The Torah, in Parshas BeHaaloscha, describes how the meat-mongers (for want of a better term) among the Dor Deah, who had otherwise witnessed so many great events, had their fleishig consumption request fulfilled--they received the slav “until it wou ....
Posted 6/24/2008 12:00 AM |
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Posted 6/3/2008 12:00 AM |
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Just yesterday was the first day we recited Tachanun in
one month. Perhaps we can use our new-found recital of Tachanun as a
springboard to utter this moving, meaningful and effective prayer with
sensitivity and feeling. One place to begin wou ....
Posted 5/8/2008 12:00 AM |
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The Sefer Ta’amei HaMinhagim (page 251) writes that our new month of Iyar is tried and tested as a time for refuah, healing, from the ailments and pains that may affect a person. Why is this so? He brings the B’nai Yisaschar, who teaches that mo ....
Posted 5/8/2008 12:00 AM |
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Shlissel Challah
This is the week that we bake our challos into the shape of a key, and/or we wrap our housekey in some foil and bake it into a loaf of challah, and/or we fashion a small piece of dough into a key shape and bake it as a decoration on top of our l ....
Posted 5/2/2008 12:00 AM |
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Birkas Ha'Ilanos
Rosh Chodesh Nissan marks the beginning of the season for Birkas Ha'Ilanos--the blessing recited annually upon seeing fruit trees in bloom. At the following link is a PDF file containing list of known fruit trees in selected cities across the U ....
Posted 4/15/2008 12:00 AM |
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Shushan Purim Katan
Yerushalayim is remembered on Shushan Purim, by our observing Purim on that day in its environs in order to increase its honor. With the honor and glory of Yerushalayim so much at stake in our time, we provide the moving words of Dovid HaMelech in Te ....
Posted 2/22/2008 12:00 AM |
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Healing Rabbi Weinberg - aish.com
If you’ve ever been inspired by an Aish rabbi or rebbetzin...
or by a Discovery Seminar, Jerusalem Fellowships program, or HonestReporting
or by an article or film on Aish.com...Then the person to thank is Rabbi Noah W ....
Posted 1/25/2008 12:00 AM |
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Parshas Hamon
Reb Mendel M'Riminov said that saying Parshas
Ha'monn (Shneyim Mikroh V'Echod Targum) on Tuesday Parshas B'Shalach, is a
Segulah for Parnasah.
(Tuesday Parshas B'Shalach is this Tuesday -
Jan. 15)
Posted 1/15/2008 12:00 AM |
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Rosh Chodesh Shevat
Tuesday, January 8th, is Rosh Chodesh Shevat.
Please remember to add, beginning Monday night in
Maariv, Yaale v'Yavo in your Amidah and to mention
Rosh Chodesh when you bentch after eating.
Rosh Chodesh liter ....
Posted 1/8/2008 12:00 AM |
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Birchas Ha-Ilan
For those of you who may not have made the Birchas Ha-Ilan, the blessing on first seeing blossoming trees, it is best to recite this Brocha in the month of Nissan, which will be ending Wednesday evening--tomorrow(!)--at sunset.
You can find the ....
Posted 8/12/2007 12:00 AM |
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Yarzeit of the Shelah Hakadosh.
Tonight (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday- erev shabbos) is 11 Nissan, the yarzeit of the Shelah Hakadosh, zechuso yagen aleinu.
This is a good chance to say the tfilla he wrote, the parents prayer for children, which can be said anytime (and is o ....
Posted 3/30/2007 12:00 AM |
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21 of Adar- Yarzeit of R. Eliemelech of Lizzhensk
Sunday, 21 Adar, (March 11th) is the yarzeit of R Eliemelech of Lizhensk, a great tsaddik who wrote a tfilla that we should be able to overlook the lacks in others and focus on the good (it starts "adaraba"). To read the tfilla, [link=http ....
Posted 3/8/2007 12:00 AM |
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Posted 2/25/2007 12:00 AM |
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Parshas HaMan - Parnassah Segulah
Reb Mendel M'Riminov said that saying [red]Parshas Ha'monn [/red](Shneyim Mikroh V'Echod Targum) on [red]Tuesday Parshas B'Shalach[/red], is a [b][blue]Segulah for Parnasah [/blue][/b]
Make sure to read Parshas HaMan with Onkelus at the following ....
Posted 1/28/2007 12:00 AM |
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A [blue]SHMIRAS HALASHON YOMI CAMPAIGN [/blue]has been started for the sole purpose of [red]accumulating zechuyos for singles.[/red] When you join, you will recieve 2 halochos on shmiras haloshon via email, daily. The Halachos are written in a clear ....
Posted 12/28/2006 12:00 AM |
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SHEMA project on first night Chanukah
On the first night of Chanukah, after lighting the Chanukah menorah and
followed by the Shabbat candles, Jews in many communities will stand with their
families and friends, and recite the Shema Yisrael prayer. It may also be
recited at the ens ....
Posted 12/12/2006 12:00 AM |
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Tehillim Effort - Thursday November 9th
The women tehillim groups in Eretz Yisrael, after consultation with their Rabbinic advisors, are going to be uniting in tfilla at a tehillim gathering -- atzeret tfilla -- on Thursday at 5 p.m. This tfilla effort is worldwide for women. You don't ....
Posted 11/7/2006 12:00 AM |
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SHEMA YISROEL NOW - 9 pm tonight
The following is a message from the "[blue]Shema Yisrael Now[/blue]" committee, based in Chicago, regarding the 6th annual [red]worldwide Shema Yisrael effort[/red] for [red]Hoshana Rabba[/red], scheduled for [red]Thursday, October 12th at ....
Posted 10/12/2006 12:00 AM |
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