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There are times throughout the year where it is an especially powerful time to daven, or there is a time in someone’s life where they need a special prayer said.

Blog Image: challah.jpg
Shlissel Challah
This is the week that we bake our challos into the shape of a key, and/or we wrap our housekey in some foil and bake it into a loaf of challah, and/or we fashion a small piece of dough into a key shape and
bake it as a decoration on top of our loaves, and/or we shape our challos like matza and bake our key into that. What is the source of baking shlissel challos? It is said that on Pesach it is judged how
much grain will be produced for the coming year, and on Rosh Hashana it is judged how much each person will receive.

"During sefira we count 49 days till Shavuos, the 50th day, which is the shaarei bina. We go from gate to gate, and each gate has a key. That is why we make an image of a key on the challah."

"There are many reasons given for the shlissel challah, and I say that the shlisel challos are the keys to parnasa. (Segulas HaBeShT V’Talmidov quoting Nachlas Yaakov)"
May all of those who need parnassah find a job, and may all of our tefillos be answered.

For more about Shlissel challos and the various minhagim, use this

Posted 5/2/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Special Prayers | Comments (0)

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