The Laws of the Nine Days - 5775:
By Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz
1. The Talmud teaches us “When the Jewish month of Av enters, we decrease our happiness.
2. The Jewish month of Av begins Thursday night, July 16th at sunset. This begins a more intense period of national

Posted 7/17/2015 1:24 PM |
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Posted 7/17/2015 12:05 PM |
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Halacha of the Week: Some Pre—Shavuot & Shavuot Halachot
by Rabbi Avrom Rothman
Since Erev Shavuot is Shabbat, there is a Halacha we need to keep in mind. One should not really have a meal before sunset on Erev Shavuot, however, normally; we would have Sholosh Seudot at that time. Therefore, it is ....

Posted 5/22/2015 11:19 AM |
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Tzitzis - Wool or cotton?
Wool or Cotton? (Part II)
Behar- Bechukosai
Iyar 5775
Lilmod v'La'asos - Bringing the Mitzvos to Life - Excepts from Torah Emeth in-house Dirshu halacha shiur. A project of the Daf Hayomi Institute

Posted 5/15/2015 12:35 PM |
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Halacha of the Week: The Mitzvah of Being Safe
Reprinted from AishTCS/Rabbi Avram Rothman
In light of the very sad occurrence last Shabbat in Brooklyn, where a family was decimated by seven siblings being killed in a fire, I thought I should go over two items as the “Halacha of t ....

Posted 3/27/2015 1:25 PM |
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Olam Hazeh - Mashal.
In a mother's womb were two babies. One asked the other: "Do you believe in life after delivery?" The other replied, "Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later."

Posted 3/25/2015 1:34 PM |
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Bais Hamussar - Vayikra
Sefer Vayikra introduces the concept of korbanos. The offering of a korban is a function which brings one close to Hashem. In general, writes Rav Wolbe (Alei Shur vol. II p. 352), one does not have to boo ....

Posted 3/20/2015 3:33 PM |
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Parshas Terumah
The month of Adar – which we have welcomed today – is the happiest of the year. As Chazal say, “When Adar enters, we increase our Simcha.” Yet, true Simcha is often elusive; many obstacles seem to stand in the way of our gaining this precious commo ....

Posted 2/20/2015 2:48 PM |
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Kigel Shalom Bayit Thought of the Week #184
The miracle of Chanukah was precipitated by Yehudis, the Maccabees' sister. One of the Greek tactics to destroy the Jews' connection to holiness was to have the Greek general deflower any Jewish bride on her wedding day. On her wedding day, Yehudis ....

Posted 12/24/2014 12:43 PM |
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Kigel Shalom Bayit Thought of the Week #183
Special for Chanukah!
Tonight we begin the holiday of Chanukah, whose central theme is anti-assimilation. The Greeks did not want to annihilate us; they wanted to destroy our connection to our G-d and our Torah. The Maccabees fought back a ....

Posted 12/16/2014 11:39 PM |
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Kigel Shalom Bayit Thought of the Week #182
If you convey to your husband that you believe in him, he will usually rise to your expectations. In contrast, if he feels nothing he does is ever good enough, he will stop trying to please you.
We learn from Akiva's wife Rachel t ....

Posted 12/14/2014 11:37 PM |
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SF - Our Priceless Treasure
"HaShem, our G-d, how mighty is Your Name over all the earth; You place Your glory upon the heavens."
The royal ministers were traveling to the palace with the glorious crown th ....

Posted 5/30/2011 11:57 PM |
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SF - The Advantages of Friendship
PIRKEI AVOS/ETHICS OF THE FATHERS __________________________1:6
6) Yehoshuah ben P'rach'ya said: Make a Rabbi for yourself, acquire a friend for yourself, and give everybody the benefit of the doubt.
There are three ....

Posted 5/10/2011 12:28 PM |
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Only Four Weeks left until Shvuos.
Question of the Week: In Chutz LaAretz, we keep two days of Yom Tov because of the original Sefeika D’Yoma (doubt as to which day Yom Tov really came out) in Chutz LaAretz which was far from Yerushalayim, which remained our Minhag even after we be ....

Posted 5/10/2011 12:24 PM |
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The Key Element to Successful Relationships
PIRKEI AVOS/ETHICS OF THE FATHERS _______________4:12 "Rabbi Eliezer ben Shamu’ah said: Let the honor of your student be as dear to you as your own; and the honor of your friend as dear to you as the reverence of your Rabbi; and t ....

Posted 11/19/2009 12:00 AM |
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11 cheshvan - Yarzeit of Rachel Imeinu
As we all know, today is the Yahrzeit of Rochel Imeinu.
The Pasuk in Yirmiyahu (31:14) writes that Rochel cried over the exile of
her children and that Hashem, in turn, responded to Rochel that she need not
cry further.

Posted 10/30/2009 12:00 AM |
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A Formula for Joyful Living
THE FAITH OF AND TRUST OF PSALMS 55:23 "Transfer your burdens to HaShem and He will sustain you."
was once a royal servant, who knew that the king was extremely
generous, merciful, and kind. What’s more, the kin ....

Posted 10/30/2009 12:00 AM |
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The Temple service was performed by Kohanim (Priests). The Kohanim were divided into groups and each group was assigned to perform the service during a certain time period. When one group finished their se ....

Posted 10/29/2009 12:00 AM |
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The Beauty and Wisdom of Peace
settling in the Land of Israel, Avraham was blessed with abundant
flocks and herds. Avraham’s nephew Lot, who accompanied Avraham on his
journey to Israel, also had a great number of livestock ....

Posted 10/27/2009 12:00 AM |
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The Way of Pleasantness
Rabban Yochanon ben Zakkai said to his
students, “Go out and find the straight path – to which a person should devote
himself.” Rabbi Eliezer said, “A good eye.” Rabbi Yehoshua ....

Posted 10/14/2009 12:00 AM |
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