Hilchos Tisha B’Av 5775 from Rabbi Weber, Rav of Clanton Park
Shabbos Chazon, July 25th, we daven Mincha at 5:50 p.m. The early Mincha allows time to return home for an appropriate pre-fast Seudah Shelishis. No classic pre-Tisha B’Av rules (i.e., eating on the floor, eggs, ashes et al) apply to this meal. The meal may include all foods, including meat and wine. Finish eating before sunset (8:48), when eating becomes prohibited. Other aspects of Tisha B’Av (low chair, non-leather shoes et al) are not, according to contemporary custom, applicable until after the Borchu of Maariv .
Motza’ei Shabbos is at 9:38. Wait until 9:38 and say baruch ha-mavdil bain kodesh le-chol before doing work or making any preparations for Motzaei Shabbos.
Our shul delays Maariv (followed by Eichah) until 9:55 to allow people to drive to shul after Shabbos.
If you begin to walk to shul for Maariv before Motzaei Shabbos (9:38), then wear your Shabbos clothes and shoes. In that case, bring Tisha B’Av shoes to shul before Shabbos, (bringing them on Shabbos for Motzaei Shabbos use is forbidden) so that you can slip into them right after the sheliach tzibbur says the Borchu of Motzaei Shabbos Maariv. Those who leave their homes after 9:38 and say baruch ha-mavdil bain kodesh le-chol can switch to Tisha B’Av shoes at home, although it better to wear proper shoes until after we begin Maariv.
We do not make a Motzaei Shabbos Havdalah. The aish-fire beracha is said, all by itself, on Motzaei Shabbos. The rest of Havdalah (without the introductory hinei) is said on Motzaei Tisha B’Av, Sunday night, without fire (done the prior night) or besamim (the besamim beracha is not said at all). We use grape juice/wine for this Havdalah, even though it is the night of the 10th of Av (when grape juice/wine is prohibited) because Havdalah is a mitzva . Ill people, who are eating on the fast, should use chamar medina (beer) rather than grape juice/wine for Havdalah. If need be, coffee or tea may be used. Cool the coffee/tea, so that you can drink them within the short time span required by halachah. Although the ill person says Havdalah and the aish-fire beracha on Tisha B'Av, he deletes the introductory hinei passage and besamim beracha. May the Beis ha-Mikdash be rebuilt speedily in our days.
[1]SA, OC, 652, 10
[1]Rema, OC, 652, 10
[1]Shemiras Shabbos ke’Hilchasah,
62, footnote 88
[1] As per Shemiras Shabbos ke’Hilchasah,
62, footnote 88
[1]SA, OC, 656
[1]Mishnah Berurah, 656, 3,
although see Arukh ha’Shulchan, 656, 2
[1] See Mikra’ei Kodesh, Pesach, 2,
The Laws of the Nine Days by Rabbi Avram Rothman, Rav of Thornhill Community Shul
In addition to the restrictions that apply to the three-week period, during the nine days (between
the 1st of Av until after Tisha B’Av) the following take effect:
Activities of Pleasure and Joy
1. One should not purchase an object of joy that will be available after Tisha B’Av for the same
2. Building for beauty that is not required for dwelling should be suspended.
Eating Meat and Drinking Wine
1. The custom is to refrain from eating meat and poultry or drinking wine and grape juice during
the nine days.
2. The prohibition of meat includes foods cooked with meat or meat fat.
3. Eating meat and drinking wine is permitted for Shabbat. Even one who has ushered in the
Shabbat on Friday afternoon before sunset, or extends the third meal of Shabbat
Into Saturday night may also eat meat and drink wine.
4. One may drink the wine of Havdalah. Some have the custom to give the wine to a child of 6-9
years old, or to use beer for Havdalah.
5. Meat and wine are permitted at a meal in honour of a mitzvah like a brit milah or completing a
tractate of Talmud.
6. A person who requires meat because of weakness or illness, (including small children and
pregnant/nursing women) who have difficulty eating dairy, may eat meat. However, whenever
possible poultry is preferable.
1. Laundering is prohibited even for use after Tisha B’Av. 2. The prohibition of laundering includes linens, tablecloths, and towels.
3. A person who has no clean clothes may wash what he needs.
4. Children’s diapers and clothing that constantly get dirty may be washed.
Wearing Freshly Laundered Clothing
1. It is forbidden to wear freshly laundered clothing during the nine days. This includes all
clothing except that which is worn to absorb perspiration.
2. Therefore, one must prepare before the nine days by wearing freshly laundered suits, pants,
shirts, dresses, blouses and the like for a short time so that they may be worn during the nine
days. Socks, undershirts and underwear need not be prepared.
3. One may wear freshly laundered Shabbat clothing, as well as use clean tablecloths and
4. Since one may wear freshly laundered garments on Shabbat, if one forgot or was unable to
prepare enough garments before the nine days, he may change for Friday night and then change
again on Shabbat morning. These garments may then be worn during the week.
Wearing, Buying and Making New Clothes, Repairing Garments
1. One may not buy new clothes or shoes even for use after Tisha B’Av, except in a case of
great necessity, for example, for one’s wedding .
2. Repairing torn garments or shoes is permitted.
Bathing and Swimming
1. The custom is not to bathe for pleasure even in cold water.
2. Bathing in cold water for medical reasons or to remove dirt or perspiration is permitted. (Where
cold water is required, hot water may be added to cold water as long as the mixture is no more
than warm.)
3. Soaping or shampooing and washing with hot water are prohibited, unless it is required
medically or to remove the dirt and perspiration.
4. One who bathes every Friday in honour of Shabbat with hot water, soap and shampoo may do
so on the Friday before Tisha B’Av.
The Laws of Tisha B’av – 2015 : By Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz, Westmount Shul
Tisha B’av Occurring on Shabbos:
Tisha B’av occurs on Shabbos this year. The fast is pushed off and commences at the
conclusion of Shabbos - 8:49 PM -lasting through to Sunday evening.
The prayer of “Av Harachamim” is said on Shabbos morning, but “Tzitdkoscha Tzedek is
not said in Shabbos afternoon.
Marital relations are prohibited on Shabbos unless Friday evening is when the wife is to
go to the Mikveh.
There is no “Seuda Mafsekes” prior to the fast. There are no restrictions on what one can
eat at Shalosh Seudos. One may even eat meat and drink wine and sing Zemiros during
Seudah Shlishis. However, the mood should be somewhat subdued. One must stop
eating before sunset, which is at 8:49 PM. It is permissible to eat Shalosh Seudos
together with your family at home or in Shul if that is what you are accustomed to doing
throughout the year. You may say Birchas Hamazon after sunset, but should try to wash
Mayim Acharonim before sunset, if possible. You may say Birchas Hamazon together with
Zimun. One does not sit on the floor or a low chair or change shoes before 9:39 PM.
Some Poskim permit the learning of any Torah on this Shabbos afternoon; while many
Poskim limit the learning to topics of torah which are permitted on Tisha B’av.
One who is in Shul when Shabbos ends, must wait until after “Borchu” to remove their
Shabbos shoes and put on Tisha B’av compliant shoes. The Chazzan should say “Baruch
Hamavdiul Bein Kodesh L’chol” , exchange his shoes, and then say “Borchu.” This all
must happen after Shabbos is over at 9:39 PM. Alternatively, everyone in Shul, after 9:39
PM, can say “Baruch Hamavdil Bein Kodesh L’chol’ and exchange their shoes before
Borchu. [One who is in Shul when Shabbos ends should, therefore, bring Tisha B’av
compliant shoes, an Eichah, and a comfortable low chair or pillow when coming to
Shul the day before on Friday for Mincha,]
When removing shoes, care should be taken not to touch them with your hands, because
that would require washing of the hands.
If you are at home at nightfall, say “Baruch Hamavdil Bein Kodesh L’chol” at 9:39 PM,
change your shoes, and then drive to Shul for Ma’ariv. Sitting on a chair is prohibited for
everyone at 9:39 PM.
The customary Havdallah is not said. After nightfall, the blessing of “Borei Meorei Ha’aish”
is said upon seeing candlelight. This should be said after Ma’ariv before the reading of
Eichah. The Brocha over spices is not said. “Atah Chonantanu” is said during Ma’ariv.
Women should be advised not to do any Melacha until they say “Baruch Hamavdil Bein
Kodesh L’chol” - as after any Shabbos. They may also say “Borei Meorei Ha’Aish.”
Tisha B’av Evening (10th of Av): 10. All other prohibitions of Tisha B’av begin at sunset. Sunset is at 8:49 P.M. this year
One is permitted to drive to Shul and sit normally in the car.
On Tisha B’av it is prohibited to:
▪ Eat or drink
▪ Bathe or wash for pleasure
▪ Anoint oneself
▪ Have intimate relations
▪ Learn Torah [except for those portions which sadden the heart.]
13. You should deprive yourself somewhat from a comfortable sleep - i.e. to sleep with no
pillows or one pillow less than usual.
Eating & Drinking:
A person, who is sick, or an old or weak person who may become ill if he does not eat or
drink [even if his illness will not endanger his life] is permitted to eat as much food as he
usually does.
A woman up to thirty days after giving birth [even if the baby was stillborn] is also
permitted to eat. She should try to postpone eating for a few hours, unless this causes
undue hardship.
Pregnant and nursing woman [thirty days after giving birth] should fast the entire day even
if they are suffering. However, if they are suffering greatly [even if there is no danger to
life], they should discontinue fasting. In all cases of doubt, contact your Rabbi.
Since Tisha B’av has been pushed off this year, there is more room for leniency for
unwell people to eat. Please consult with your Rabbi.
A person with only a headache or similar discomfort is required to fast.
If a person is not required to fast because it is dangerous, he is prohibited from fasting.
Boys under the age of 13 and girls under the age of 12 are not required to fast at all.
Swallowing capsules, bitter medicine tablets, or bitter liquid medicine without water is
permitted. According to some opinions, it is permitted to swallow a bit of water along with
the medication if the medication can not be swallowed otherwise.
Even those people, who are not required to fast, should not indulge or eat more than is
necessary to preserve their health.
One, who is accustomed to rinse his mouth or teeth daily, may do so only in an instance if
the bad taste in his mouth causes him great distress. Since care must be taken not to
swallow the water, he should bend over when rinsing.
Bathing & Washing:
All washing for pleasure on any part of the body is prohibited.
You may wash your hands or other portions of your body if they are dirtied or stained. You
may only wash the dirty or soiled portions, but not beyond the soiled area.
Upon awakening in the morning, you may wash your hands in the usual manner [three
times alternately on each hand]. However, you should be careful not to wash further
than the joints at the end of your fingers. While your hands are still moist after drying
them, you may pass them over your eyes. If your eyes contain glutinous substances, you
may wash them.
You are permitted to wash your hands after using the bathroom and/or touching a part of
your body that is normally covered. You should not wash further than the joints at the end
of your fingers.
You are permitted to wash your hands before davening. You should not wash further than
the joints at the end of your fingers.
If you are cooking or preparing food on Tisha B’av, you may wash a piece of meat and the
like – if necessary – even if your hands will get wet.
Washing for medical reasons is permitted.
A woman may wash the parts of her body which must be washed before beginning her
Seven Clean Days. A woman may not go to the Mikveh on Saturday night – but may go
to the Mikveh the night after.
31. It is prohibited to cool yourself by placing your face or other portions of your body against
a pitcher or other utensil containing water. However, you may cool yourself by placing a
cool empty utensil, fruit, and the like against your face.
Anointing / Intimacy:
You may not rub or apply onto your body any substance – liquid or solid – commonly
applied to the body. Therefore, you may not apply onto your body oil, soap, hair tonic, or
cream, ointment, perfume and the like.
You are permitted to anoint for medical reasons such as skin conditions.
The use of deodorant or anti-perspirant to remove a bad odor is permitted.
Since intimacy is prohibited, a husband and wife may not even touch each other.
Wearing Leather Shoes:
It is prohibited to wear shoes that are made, even partially, out of leather.
Shoes made out of cloth, wood, rubber, plastic, and the like are permitted.
It is permitted to wear crocs.
Wearing leather shoes is permitted in the case of:
▪ A person who has to walk a long distance over stones or mud, and no other suitable
footwear is available.
▪ Medical reasons. ▪ Children who are too young to understand about the destruction of the Temple.
Learning Torah:
The heart rejoices from the study of Torah. Therefore you are prohibited to learn or teach
Torah – except for those topics which are relevant to Tisha B’av and mourning.
A Rav may rule only in those questions of Halacha which are required for Tisha B’av.
You are permitted to prepare the Torah reading for Tisha B’av.
You may say Tehillim for sick people or for the presently dangerous situation in Eretz
Other prohibitions for the entire day:
It is extremely important to stay focused on the serious nature of the day by staying in
touch with your soul and not being distracted by other physical things. Therefore, there
are additional prohibitions.
Tisha B’av is not a time for socializing, idle chatter, schmoozing and the like.
You are prohibited to greet someone. Not only is enquiring after one’s well–being
prohibited, but even greeting a person with “good morning” and the like is prohibited. One,
who is greeted, should respond softly – to show that greeting is prohibited.
It is prohibited to give gifts. However, you may give a gift to a poor person.
Taking a walk or a trip for pleasure is prohibited.
Prohibitions until Halachik Mid-day – 1:24 P.M.:
49. It is prohibited to sit on a chair or bench that is 12’’ or higher. One may sit on the floor, a
cushion or on a low bench or chair.
Any type of work which requires time to do is prohibited. This applies to skilled and
unskilled labor. Even housework should be postponed until after Halachik Mid-day.
Wherever possible, it should not be done the entire day.
If at all possible, one should avoid going to work / business the entire day. If one must go
to work, it should be after Halachik mid-day. The Rabbis say that he who works on
Tisha B’av will see no blessing from the money earned.
Preparation for the meal after Tisha B’av should not take place until after Halachik
Talis & Tefillin:
The Talis and Tefillin are not worn at Shacharis. Your Talis Koton [Tzitzis] should be put on
in the morning, and you may make a blessing on it. Many have a custom to leave the
Tzitzis under one’s clothes until after Halachik mid-day.
The Talis and Tefillin are worn for Mincha.
Other Customs:
There is a custom to visit a cemetery after completion of the morning services.
There is a custom to wash the floors and clean the house in the afternoon. The custom is
based on a tradition that Moshiach will be born on Tisha B’av afternoon and that it is
therefore appropriate to commemorate the redemption and strengthen people’s hopes
and prayers.
Restrictions on the 11th of Av:
Generally speaking, all the restrictions of the 3 weeks and the Nine Days continue until
Halachik Mid-day of the 10th of Av. (although see point #59 below)
It is customary to perform “Kiddush Levana” [blessing the new moon] together with the
congregation on Sunday evening after Ma’ariv. Others say it privately after eating and
changing one’s shoes.
When Tisha B’av falls out on Shabbos and is postponed until Sunday (as is the
case this year), eating meat and drinking wine is permissible on Monday morning.
Bathing, washing clothing and taking haircuts and shaving are permitted on
Sunday night.
Some opinions permit listening to music on Sunday evening, but some permit only
on Monday morning.
This year Havdallah is said on a cup of wine, grape juice, or beer. The Havdallah
only consists of the Brocha on the wine, grape juice, or beer and “Baruch
Hamavdil.” Spices are not used. No blessing is made again on candlelight.
With the exception of water, it is forbidden to eat or drink anything before
Havdallah. This also applies to women.
▪ The fast and Tisha B’av restrictions end at 9:39 P.M. on Sunday evening. ▪ One who finds fasting difficult may eat at 9:30 P.M. ▪The Talmud teaches that “Whoever mourns over Jerusalem will merit to see her
happiness, and whoever does not mourn over Jerusalem will not merit to see her
happiness, May we all merit to experience the happiness of Jerusalem soon!