How can a man bring a gift to Hashem, if everything belongs to Hashem?
He brings his heart as a gift to Hashem, that's what you're bringing. When you bring bikurim, you're bringing your heart to Hashem, when you're bringing a korban, you're ....
I'll explain that on two levels. Hakadosh Baruch Hu rewards those who do what is the proper way (thing) to do, even though they don't do it l'shem shomayim. If you work, that's what you sho ....
When Yitzchok our father wanted to give a blessing to his son, so he said, "asei li ma'atamim, make for me tasty things, ka'asher ahavti, like I love". Isn't that a queer thing – in order ....
If life, even plant life, was discovered elsewhere in the universe, wouldn't that contradict our belief that Hashem created the earth and luminaries for the benefit of man?
Why didn't Hashem answer the prayers of those tzadikim (Asara Harugei Malchus) whose lives were taken, especially when they were dying al kiddush Hashem?