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Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon Sunday August 31
Please say/whisper the words out loud. Lesson 1 :  Repeating Lashon Hara that is common knowledge- is the same thing as saying lashon hara for the first time or in secret. doesn’t matter if its well known or not.   Lesson 2 ....

Posted 9/1/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon Wednesday August 27
Please Say/Whisper the Words Out Loud   Lesson 1 :  If you have witnessed someone cheating or harming another person, and you are sure that s/he has not compensated the victim, you may relate this incident to another person for eit ....

Posted 8/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Expand Article 26th of Av, August 27, 2008
Rav Hirsch offers us a beautiful insight learned from the natural world.  In Psalm 147, the psalmist uses the natural wonder of water to illustrate how G-D's law guides and governs nature.  Water is also used to demonstrate ho ....

Posted 8/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Tehillim | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Tehillim Thoughts 26th of Av, August 27, 2008
Rav Hirsch offers us a beautiful insight learned from the natural world.  In Psalm 147, the psalmist uses the natural wonder of water to illustrate how G-D's law guides and governs nature.  Water is also used to demonstrate ho ....

Posted 8/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Tehillim | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon Thursday August 28
Please Say/Whisper the Words out Loud   Lesson 1 :  If someone has cheated or embarrassed you, you are not allowed to tell others about it. Although you might claim that your sole intention is to disgrace the wrongdoer, your person ....

Posted 8/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon Friday August 29
Please Say/Whisper the Words out Loud

Lesson 1

Sometimes a person who has been to a strange city or community feels that s/he hasnt been treated properly and consequently disparages that entire city or comm ....

Posted 8/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (1)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon Shabbos August 30, please print off
Please Say/Whisper the Words out Loud

Lesson 1

We are not allowed to speak lashon hora about an entire group, EVEN when we do not specify the names of any individuals. It is considered lashon hora to speak negatively about nati ....

Posted 8/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Tehillim Thoughts 28th of Av, August 29, 2008
David directs his soul, "Return, my soul, to your rest, for Hashem has been kind to you (Psalm 116:7)."   After experiencing persecution and difficulty, David’s soul is feeling battered.   It is only normal to feel "soul ....

Posted 8/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Tehillim | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Tehillim thoughts for Shabbos 29th of Av, August 30, 2008 Please print off
"A song of ascents.  Behold, bless Hashem, all you servants of Hashem who stand in the House of Hashem in the nights (Psalm 134:1)."  The Malbim explains that the true servant of G-D never abandons his post, remaining on duty ....

Posted 8/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Tehillim | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Shmirat Halashon 08/26/2008
Please Say/Whisper the Words Out Loud
Lesson 1:  The laws of onaas devarim (not causing harm with words) applies even to parents when they speak to their children- even very small children.

Lesson 2:  Children as ....

Posted 8/26/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Shmirat Halashon Sunday - refuah sheleimah of Gittel Shulamit bas Chaya Sara
Please Say/Whisper the Words out Loud
Lesson 1: If someone is forgetful or absentminded, try to remind them of things they are forgetting without insulting them.
Lesson 2: If someone has lost or misplaced something, even if it happens ....

Posted 8/26/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Shmirat Halashon 08/25/2008 - Refuah Shleima for Yehudis bat Pearl
Please Say/Whisper the Words out Loud Lesson 1 Accepting other people and their differences is one of the keys to observing the commandment of not causing pain with words.   Lesson 2 Belittling remarks from a tea ....

Posted 8/26/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (1)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon Thursday August 21
Please Say/Whisper the Words Out Loud

Lesson 1

Bringing up painful incidents of the past that cannot be changed will cause suffering without being beneficial.

Lesson 2


Posted 8/22/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (1)

Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
Expand Article Parshas Eikev
1: In this week’s Parsha, Eretz Yisroel is referred to as an “Eretz Zovas Cholov U’Dvash--a land flowing with milk and honey.” Whenever we think of Eretz Yisroel, whenever we walk in Eretz Yisroel, we should visualize this luscious flow in our minds. ....

Posted 8/22/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
Expand Article Erev Shabbos--Halachos of Shabbos Series - 21st Menachem Av

1.      If soup was removed from a K’li Rishon(such as a soup pot on or off the fire) with a ladle and was then poured into a soup bowl, one may consider the soup bowl as a K’li Shlishi and add baked foods (such as matz ....

Posted 8/22/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Hilchos Shabbos | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Daily Hilchos Shemiras Halashon - Friday August 22
Please Say/Whisper the Words out Loud Lesson 1 Attacking the motivation of others when they do good deeds can easily be onaas devarim (verbal abuse). For example, saying someone is only doing a certain kindness to get attention, or giving t ....

Posted 8/22/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (1)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Daily Hilchos Shemiras Halashon - Please Print off for Shabbos 22nd Av, August 23
Please Say/Whisper the Words Out Loud Lesson 1 Statements implying that someone lacks maturity (i.e. "you’re so immature" or "i guess you don’t understand these things") are frequently a violation of the prohibition against causing pain wit ....

Posted 8/22/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: rav wolbe.jpg
Expand Article Parshas Eikev - Rav Wolbe Z"TL
"R’ Meir would say, ’A person is obligated to make one hundred blessings every day as the pasuk states, ’What (mah) does Hashem ask of you except that you should fear Him (Devarim 10, 12)?’ Do not read the pasuk ’mah’ – what, rather ’me’ah’ – one hun ....

Posted 8/21/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Tehillim[1].jpg
Expand Article Tehillim Thoughts for 19th of Av, August 20, 2008
"So long as the power is his [oozo], I shall wait, turned toward You, for G-D is my high tower.  Since He is G-D, Who is merciful [chasdi] to me, He will anticipate me; G-D will let me behold what I expected, upon those that lie i ....

Posted 8/21/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Tehillim | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon Wednesday August 20
Please Say/Whisper the Words Out Loud

Lesson 1

It is important that we not insult someone for being different from us in personality, thought, religion, background, habits etc. If we do so, this can be considered Onaas Devaim ( ....

Posted 8/20/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (1)

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