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Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
Expand Article The Awful Consequences of Loshon Hora
As we have now left the seven-day period of Tashlumin after Shavuos, we should in all events take with us a revitalized Birchas HaTorah every morning. We should especially appreciate the words “V’Haarev Nah”--Hashem, please sweeten the words of To ....

Posted 6/18/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week | Comments (0)

Blog Image: seder_plate.gif
Expand Article Derech HaShem - Discover Your Inherent Belief in HaShem
The Ramchal states (Derech HaShem 1:1), "Every member of the People of Israel must believe and know that there is a First Being, Who preceded creation and Who is eternal. He brought all things into existence and continues to sustain them. ....

Posted 6/18/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Daily Halachos on Shemiras Halashon
Wednesday June 18
Please Say/Whisper The Words Out Loud Lesson 1 - In response to your questions...

Question: Are we allowed to make fun/talk negatively about a city?

Answer (part a.) ....

Posted 6/18/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon Halacha
June 16, 2008
Please Say/Whisper The Words Out Loud
Lesson 1We are in a world filled with stress, anger and derision, all of which continually, powerfully pull in the opposite d ....

Posted 6/16/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon
Wednesday June 11, 2008 Please Say/Whisper The Words Out Loud

Lesson 1 Since listening to lashon hora is forbidden, what should we do if someone wants to t ....

Posted 6/13/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (1)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon
Thursday June 12, 2008 Please Say/Whisper The Words Out Loud
Lesson 1As mentioned, it is considered lashon hora when we speak negatively of any sect/group of Jews. ....

Posted 6/13/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Beha'aloscha - by Rav Wolbe
Towards the end of the parsha, the Torah marks off two pasukim; placing an inverted nun before and after them. Rashi explains that this was done in order to separate between two different calamities which befell Bnei Yisroel. The Ramban e ....

Posted 6/13/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (2)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon June 8, 2008
Please Say/Whisper The Words Out Loud

Lesson 1The Torah forbids us from listening to lashon hora, even if we dont intend to believe what is spoken.

Lesson 2 ....

Posted 6/8/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
Expand Article Shloshes Yemei Hagbala
Today is the first day of the “Shloshes Yemei Hagbala”--the three-day preparatory period before Shavuos in which we surrounded Har Sinai to begin to appreciate and inculcate within us the enormity of the Event we were about to experience.  We ce ....

Posted 6/6/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
Expand Article Erev-Shabbos Hilchos Shabbos Series
The following Halachos were reviewed by HaRav Yisroel Belsky, Shlita:

1. The Crock Pot’s Blech.  The commonly-accepted practice is that one places a piece of aluminum foil on top of the heating element of the crock pot to serve as a b ....

Posted 6/6/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Hilchos Shabbos | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Shavuos - Naso, by Rav Wolbe z"tl
Regarding Avrohom Avinu the Torah tells us, "And he
observed My safeguards, My mitzvos, My edicts and My
Torahs" (Bereishis 26, 5). Rashi explains; "And he observed
My safeguards - the Rabbinic commandments that were
established t ....

Posted 6/6/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Shemiras Halashon Daily Halacha
Thursday June 5 Please Say/Whisper The Words Out Loud
Lesson 1 We are not allowed to say that someone is poor. This could create difficulties should the pe ....

Posted 6/6/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon
Please Say/Whisper The Words Out Loud - Monday June 2nd
Lesson 1 The more people learn the laws of shmirat halashon(guarding our speech), the more we get upset or anxiou ....

Posted 6/3/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Tehillim[1].jpg
Expand Article Tefillas Ha’Sheloh - Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Tuesday, June 3)
Tefillas Ha’Sheloh is a special prayer composed by the Shloh Hakodosh to express the prayers of parents on behalf of their children. The Shloh said that the optimal time for parents to recite this prayer is Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan ....

Posted 6/3/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Special Prayers | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
Expand Article Approach of Matan Torah
In one week from today, we will celebrate Matan Torah with Shavuos.  Much in the same way as we get closer and closer to Yom Kippur do we feel a need to do Teshuva, or as we get closer and closer to Pesach do we feel a need to rid ourselves of o ....

Posted 6/3/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon Lesson
Please Say/Whisper The Words Out Loud
Lesson 1 It is important to NOT ask for information from anybody who dislikes the person you are asking about. Likewise, do not ask a business person for information about his/her competitors. In such cases ....

Posted 5/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon Lesson
Wednesday May 28th

Please Say/Whisper The Words Out Loud
Lesson 1When it is permissible to ask for information about someone, the person speaking is obligated to give a truthful answer, even if the rep ....

Posted 5/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Bamidbar
             In two different places in this week’s parsha, Rashi points out the importance of having good friends and neighbors. The Torah tells us that the Levi’im from the fa ....

Posted 5/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon
Lesson 1 - Faulty Character Traits - cont’d. We said that its considered lashon hora to talk about someone elses negative character traits (i.e. anger, laziness). This is because its very likely that the person IS NOT aware of the ser ....

Posted 5/27/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim2.jpg
Expand Article Daily Shemiras Halashon
Please Say/Whisper The Words Out Loud  Relating other peoples faults to prevent imitation - cont’d

Lesson 1 - We said that it is permitted to alert others (like children or students) a ....

Posted 5/27/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Shemiras Halashon | Comments (0)

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