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Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Pekudei
1) Ch. 39, v. 30: "Va'yich't'vu olov" – And they wrote upon it – If just one person etched the two words "kodesh laShem" into the golden forehead plate, why does the verse say "va'yich't'vu," in the plural form?

2) Ch. 39, v. 32: "V ....

Posted 2/27/2014 2:47 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Vayakhel
1) Ch. 35, v. 4: "Va'yomer Moshe el kol adas bnei Yisroel leimore zeh hadovor asher tzivoh Hashem leimore" – And Moshe said to the complete congregation of the bnei Yisroel thus saying: This is the matter that Hashem has commanded to say – The doub ....

Posted 2/20/2014 3:09 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Ki Tisa
1) Ch. 31, v. 13: "Es Shabsosai tishmoru" – My Sabbaths you shall safeguard – Why is this repeated so shortly afterwards, in 35:2, "Uva'yom hashvi'i yi'h'yeh lochem kodesh Shabbos Shabbosone?"

2) Ch. 32, v. 2: "Por(a)ku nizmei hazoho ....

Posted 2/13/2014 12:42 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Tetzaveh
1) Ch. 28, v. 1: "Nodov vaAvihu Elozor v'Isomor" – Why are these names enumerated? We already know all of Aharon's sons by name.

2) Ch. 28, v. 9: "V'lokachto ES shtei avnei shoham" – And you shall take two "shoham" stones – The Ohr H ....

Posted 2/7/2014 2:09 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Terumah
1) Ch. 25, v. 9: "K'chole asher ani ma'reh os'cho ...... v'chein taasu" - Rashi says that "v'chein taasu" tells us that for all generations the form of the Sanctuary and the form of its vessels should remain the same. We find that King Shlomo made ....

Posted 1/31/2014 1:46 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Mishpatim
1) Ch. 21, v. 2: "Ki sikneh evved Ivri" – When you will purchase a Hebrew slave – Why doesn"t the verse say "Ki sikach," as this is the more common Torah expression for acquiring? Why is the transaction here expressed as purchasing, while by the ma ....

Posted 1/24/2014 10:43 AM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Yisro
1) Ch. 18, v. 1: "Va'yishma Yisro" – And Yisro heard – Rashi comments that he heard of the splitting of Yam Suf and the war with Amo'leik. He obviously heard much more, but these two events prompted him to come (verse 5). Why these two more than an ....

Posted 1/17/2014 12:12 AM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Beshalach
1) Ch. 15, v. 2: "Zeh Keili v'anveihu" – This is my G-d and I will glorify Him – The gemara Shabbos 133b derives from these words that one should not do mitzvos "on the cheap," but rather, should beautify them. The halacha is that one should upgrad ....

Posted 1/10/2014 12:47 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Bo
1) Why are the ten plagues not all in one parsha? Once they are divided, why specifically seven and three?

2) Ch. 10, v. 1: "Bo" – Come – Why is BO used here, while in other places Hashem said LEICH?

3) Ch. 10, v. 1: " ....

Posted 12/31/2013 2:11 AM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Vaera
1) Ch. 6, v. 12: "Vaani aral s'fosoyim" – And I have clogged lips – Rashi explains that in response to Moshe's attempting to excuse himself for being reluctant to be Hashem's spokesman to Paroh because of his speech impairment, Hashem advised him t ....

Posted 12/27/2013 1:06 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Shemos
1) Ch. 1, v. 15: "Va'yomer melech Mitzrayim" – And the king of Egypt said – Why until now were the harsh edicts expressed in the plural form, "va'yosimu, v'chaasher y'anu, va'yaavidu, va'y'mor'ru," and now in the singular?

2) Ch. 2, ....

Posted 12/20/2013 1:52 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Vayechi

1) Ch. 47, v. 28: "Sheva shonim v'arbo'im u'm'as shonoh" – Seven years and forty and one-hundred years – Rashi comments on the years of Soroh's life (Breishis 23:1) that her one-hundred years are compared to her twenty years, and her twenty ....

Posted 12/13/2013 1:20 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Vayigash
1) Ch. 44, v. 18: "Va'yigaSH eiloV YehudoH" – And Yehudoh drew close to him – Baal Haturim notes that the final letters of these three words form the word "ShoVoH," equal. Yehudoh advised Yoseif that he was his equal, also a king. If this is so, is ....

Posted 12/4/2013 2:26 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Mikeitz
1) Ch. 41, v. 1: "U'Pharoh choleim" – And Paroh is dreaming – Where is the indication in the dream that during the famine the distribution of the stored food would be administered by just one man?

2) Ch. 41, v. 1: "Choleim" – Is dreami ....

Posted 11/24/2013 12:02 AM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Vayeishev
1) Ch. 37, v. 35: "Va'yimo'ein l'hisnacheim" – And he refused to console himself – Rashi explains that although Hashem set into a person's psyche to forget the sorrow of the death of a loved one after the passing of a year (gemara P'sochim 54b), th ....

Posted 11/22/2013 11:47 AM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Vayishlach
1) Ch. 32, v. 5: "Im Lovon garti" – I have sojourned with Lovon – Rashi comments that "garti" has the numeric value of 613, "taryag," and Yaakov sent a covert message to Eisov. "Don't do war with me because I have the merit of keeping all 613 mitzv ....

Posted 11/15/2013 1:29 AM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Vayeitzei
1) Ch. 28, v. 10: "Va'yeilech Choronoh" – And he went to Choron – At the end of the previous parsha (28:2) Yitzchok commanded Yaakov to go to Padan Arom. In verses 5 and 7 it says that he went to Padan Arom. If so, why does our verse say that he ....

Posted 11/8/2013 3:33 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Toldos
1) Ch. 25, v. 21: "Ki akoroh hee" – Because she was barren – Was Yitzchok also barren?

2) Ch. 25, v. 21: "Vatahar Rivkoh ishto" – And Rivkoh his wife conceived – Earlier in this verse we have "l'nichach ishto" without Rivkoh's name m ....

Posted 11/1/2013 12:08 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Chayei Sarah
1) Ch. 23, v. 1: "Mei'oh shonoh v'esrim shonoh v'sheva shonim" – One-hundred years and twenty years and seven years – Rashi comments that Soroh at the age of twenty had the beauty of a seven year old. Usually a twenty-year old woman is more attract ....

Posted 10/25/2013 3:35 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Parshas Vayera
1) Ch. 18, v. 2,3: "V'hi'nei shloshoh anoshim, Va'yomer A-DO-NOY" – And behold three men, And he said A-DO-NOY – There is a false theological concept of trinity, that there are three combined spiritual powers/beings that combine into becoming one d ....

Posted 10/18/2013 1:34 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

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