1) Ch. 23, v. 1: "Mei'oh shonoh v'esrim shonoh v'sheva shonim" One-hundred years and twenty years and seven years Rashi comments that Soroh at the age of twenty had the beauty of a seven year old. Usually a twenty-year old woman is more attractive than a seven-year old child.
2) Ch. 23, v. 9: "M'oras hamachpeiloh" The double cave What was doubled?
3) Ch. 23, v. 16: "Arba mei'os shekel kesef" Four-hundred silver shkolim Why doesn't the verse say "shiklei kesef" in the plural?
4) Ch. 24, v. 57: "V'nishaloh es pihoh" And we will ask her opinion In verse 51 we find, "Hi'nei Rivkoh l'fo'necho kach vo'leich," clearly stating that it was a done deal, so why do her mother and brother suggest that she be asked?
5) Ch. 24, v. 60: "Va'y'vorchu es Rivkoh" And they blessed Rivkoh Tosfos on the gemara Ksubos 7b d.h. "she'ne'emar" says that the blessings were the 7 blessings of "eirusin" that are made under the chupoh. Rashi on verse 57 says that we do not bring a girl/woman into marriage without her agreement. In the previous offering it was clarified that this is the requirement when she is an orphan, and indeed the M.R. here clearly states this. Since this type of marriage arrangement allows for "mei'un," her right to annul the marriage upon her reaching the age of majority, how do we allow for blessings to be made earlier, which might later be retroactively be negated? For the answers, click here!