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Blog Image: blossom.jpg
Expand Article WALKNIG MATTERS - Mackenzie House
Walking? Even if it matters? In this weather? Stop! All right, so I will introduce one of my favourite restored home and boutique museums in Toronto that speaks to a strong culture prior to Confederation. Close to the Eaton’s Centre downtown, ....

Posted 4/1/2015 9:58 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Sefer-Open.JPG
Expand Article A Gift To Hashem - How?
A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l # 273 (Bringing a gift to Hashem,How?)QUESTION:
How can a man bring a gift to Hashem, if everything belongs to Hashem?

He brings his heart as a gift ....

Posted 3/27/2015 2:20 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: agudah11[1].jpg
- Reprinted from Agudah Erev Pesach Checklist.
[ ] Thanks to Hashem [ ] Shalom Bayis (throughout everything on list) Simanim for the Seder: [ ] Charoses [ ] Zeroah [ ] Maror&nb ....

Posted 3/27/2015 1:54 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (1)

Blog Image: Police.JPG
Expand Article FrumToronto Article
Legal Matters—Hurry up—Ontario law: 2 years to sue
Written by: Reena Basser, Licensed Paralegal, phone; 416 888 2390

This co ....

Posted 3/24/2015 2:00 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (1)

Blog Image: seder_plate.gif
Expand Article Halacha of the Week - "gebruchs"
by Rabbi Avram Rothman, Aish/Thornhill Community Shul

The custom on Pesach of not eating Matza or Matza products that have come into contact with liquids is commonly known as the custom of not eating “gebruchs”. It is most commo ....

Posted 3/20/2015 12:02 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (2)

Blog Image: seder_plate.gif
Expand Article The Step-by-Step Pesach Seder:
The Step – by – Step Pesach Seder:by Rabbi Yossi MichalowiczReprinted with permission. 
Recite the Kiddush:
1. The actual Kiddush should be made as soon as it is nightfall. ....

Posted 3/10/2015 6:04 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (3)

Blog Image: praying.JPG
Expand Article Answering The Call of "Who Is For G-d? Let Them Gather To Me"
Reprinted from Rabbi Lebhar of Magen David Sephardic Congregation

Here we are, Shushan Purim, and what an amazing Purim it was in Magen David. We all came together as a community and were able to rejoice as one big family. I ferve ....

Posted 3/6/2015 2:33 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (3)

Blog Image: praying.JPG
Expand Article Answering The Call of "Who Is For G-d? Let Them Gather To Me"
Reprinted from Rabbi Lebhar of Magen David Sephardic Congregation

Here we are, Shushan Purim, and what an amazing Purim it was in Magen David. We all came together as a community and were able to rejoice as one big family. I ferve ....

Posted 3/6/2015 2:33 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (2)

Blog Image: seder_plate.gif
Expand Article Fast of the First Born on Erev Pesach
Halacha of the Week: Fast of the First Born on Erev PesachReprinted from Aish Thornhill Community Shul by Rabbi Rothman
Who is considered a first born in regard to the Fast of the First Born (ta’anis bechorim) on erev Pesach?

Posted 3/6/2015 10:41 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Calendar.jpg
Expand Article Registered Disability Savings Plan - RDSP
If you or someone you know has a disability and is under 50 years old, find out how the Government of Canada may help, even if you don’t have money to contribute.

RDSP information sessions will be held from 7pm-9pm at the following loc ....

Posted 2/18/2015 9:32 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: dani.jpg
Expand Article Zumba for Women at DANI - RSVP By Feb 26
RSVP by February 26; space is limited
All female ZUMBA class with Keri (neshamadancefit)
on Monday March 2, 2015
@DANI Centre @ 8:00 pm
501 Clark Ave West (west wing of Garnet Williams Community Centre)


Posted 2/18/2015 9:02 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (1)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Kigel Shalom Bayit Thought of the Week #192
Contrary to popular opinion, marriage is work, and work is good. We came to this world to perfect our character traits, and there is no other relationship more so than marriage to help you do that! It doesn't mean (G-d forbid) that you're married t ....

Posted 2/12/2015 10:44 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (2)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Kigel Shalom Bayit Thought of the Week #191
When your husband is speaking, particularly if he is giving a d'var Torah, give him your full attention. Anything less communicates disinterest and disrespect. There is almost nothing as hurtful to a man as a wife who is not interested in his Tora ....

Posted 2/6/2015 4:02 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Kigel Shalom Bayit Thought of the Week #190
The home should be a sanctuary of holiness. Our job is to keep the boundaries strong around our home, making sure that negative influences don't enter. Think carefully about the books, media, technology, and influences that you allow inside. If y ....

Posted 2/6/2015 3:56 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Kigel Shalom Bayit Thought of the Week #189
The ideal home should be a haven of tranquility, not stress. Each family member should feel warmth, security, acceptance and love. We want our husbands to feel that even if his boss yelled at him, or his project fell through, that at home he is love ....

Posted 2/6/2015 3:55 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (1)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Kigel Shalom Bayit Thought of the Week #188
Jewish sources teach that the best prescription for good, healthy kids is a great marriage. Be careful not to speak disrespectfully to your husband, and try to generally present a united front to the kids. If you don't share a secret language with yo ....

Posted 1/22/2015 11:10 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (1)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Kigel Shalom Bayit Thought of the Week #187
I want to mention first and foremost that my shalom bayit pointers (and my classes) are directed at the average couple, who has normal issues that are not "off the chart". If you are in a situation involving mental illness or abuse, please seek pr ....

Posted 1/22/2015 11:09 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Kigel Shalom Bayit Thought of the Week #186
A man who feels respected at home will be magnanimous and kind, whereas a man who feels demeaned will become tyrannical and petty. Or to put it differently, the more you make your husband feel like the man, the less he needs to go stomping around ....

Posted 1/22/2015 11:07 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (2)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Expand Article Kigel Shalom Bayit Thought of the Week #185
It says in Mishlei: "The wisdom of a woman builds her home; and her wickedness destroys it." Often in shalom bayit, the direct approach can backfire. Using subtlety to finesse the situation, without diminishing your husband, is preferable.

Posted 12/31/2014 10:29 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (1)

Blog Image: praying.JPG
Expand Article Ignite Toronto - Shloshim event for Women in Memory of Har Nof Kedoshim
Happening this Thursday, December 25th, 2014, 8:00pm at the home of the Friedman's

Please join us for an evening of achdus and inspiration as we honour the kedoshim who died al kiddush Hashem in Har Nof. The widows have asked that Je ....

Posted 12/14/2014 11:19 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (1)

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