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Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article FrumToronto Article


Posted 2/8/2024 7:38 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 4270 Coffee Talk?
Q. Blessings Kvod Harav. Can one, who suffers from acid stomach difficulties when drinking coffee, take pills to stay awake during the learning night of Shavuos?
Chag Sameach.

A. On question 3226 regarding if one who is sleepy ....

Posted 5/24/2023 10:38 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (1)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 4188 The Time to Thank
Q. Dear Rabbi. I really would like first to thank you for giving the opportunity to all, men and specially women of all ages and status the opportunity to ask with total anonymity Torah and Halacha questions that can be answered by Gedolim such Hor ....

Posted 4/3/2023 6:04 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 3848 Clear the Mud
Q. Dear Rabbi if my glasses fell on the mud while in the cottage and the mud became dry can they be washed on Shabbos? Does the same apply to a window?

A. Horav Aharon Miller Shlit'a maintains that the glasses are not different than di ....

Posted 8/19/2022 12:42 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 3815 The Greater the Better?
Q. When a great-grandfather contradicts the opinion of a grandfather, who should the grandson listen to? Should one give greater honour to his great-grandfather over his grandfather as when giving an Aliya or similar?

A. On question 817 ....

Posted 7/28/2022 10:39 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 3532 Identity Unknown
Q. Hi Rabi, I have a half brother of my father that we don't know if he is still living or not. Due to what would be his age, the most probable answer is that he was niftar (would have been over 120). He used to live in Cuba, and he remained ther ....

Posted 1/28/2022 12:10 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (2)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 3517 Lick Your Spots?
    Q. Can one lick with his tongue a stain on his jacket on Shabbos to remove it? How about if it is a piece of food that is still edible?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that it should not be done since one ....

Posted 1/20/2022 12:39 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (1)

Blog Image: bais hamikdash.jpg
Expand Article Join List of Toronto Shuls not 'going back to Normal'
The Talmud tells us that one of the questions we will be asked in the heavenly court is: “Did you hope for and long for the moshiach!” There are many ways that our behavior can manifest a positive response to that question. One way is b ....

Posted 8/30/2021 4:02 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 2995 Say It, Don't Spray It
Q. A new liquid product that can be sprayed onto cloth face masks is about to become available. The spray coating using electrostatic charges, captures COVID-19 molecules on the surface of the mask, preventing them from being inhaled into the lungs ....

Posted 1/6/2021 2:18 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Believing in Gam Zu L'tova -A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #518
Parshas Acharei - Kedoshim 5780


How can one truly believe that everything is Gam Zu L'tova?


We have a Torah as I said; Moshe Rabeinu is emes, v'toraso emes, and it stat ....

Posted 5/1/2020 12:48 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: price.jpg
Expand Article Rabbi A.A. Price zt"l Shiur
Rabbi Price ZT"L Yahrzeit Shiur this year will be held via Zoom Shiur given by Rabbi SobolofskyTONIGHT! SUNDAY April 26, 2020 @7:30pm 


Posted 4/26/2020 11:28 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: michalowiz.jpg
Expand Article How to Celebrate Purim - 5780:
Reprinted from Westmount Shul, Rabbi Y. Michalowicz

Purim is celebrated this year on Monday evening March 9th and Tuesday March 10sh.

1 – Fast of Esther:

1. The fast is on Monday, March 9th.
2. Th ....

Posted 3/6/2020 1:00 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Davening in a Shul without a Rov - A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #494
Parshas Ha'azinu 5780


Is it preferable to daven in a good minyan when there is no Rov, or in another minyan with a lower class of clientele, but has a Rov present?

It depends. ....

Posted 10/11/2019 7:32 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Hashem portrayed as a man, Why? -A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #492
Parshas Nitzavim 5779


Why is Hashem portrayed as a man?

Because we have more respect for a man than for a woman. That's the truth. A man is taller than a woman; a woman is much s ....

Posted 9/27/2019 12:54 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: michalowiz.jpg
Expand Article How to Celebrate Rosh Hashanah 5780
Reprinted from Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz
Erev Rosh Hashanah:
1. It is customary [but not mandatory] to fast until Halachik mid-day. [1:08 PM]
2. Additional Selichos are said in the morning.
3. No Tachanun is said during th ....

Posted 9/20/2019 3:09 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: michalowiz.jpg
Expand Article The Laws of the Nine Days - 5779:
Reprinted from Westmount Shul by Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz © 2019

The Talmud teaches us “When the Jewish month of Av enters, we decrease our happiness.
2. The Jewish month of Av begins Thursday night, August 1st at sunset. Thi ....

Posted 8/2/2019 11:09 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Sefer-Open.JPG
Expand Article Preserve Our Torah Values

Posted 7/26/2019 1:13 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Sefer-Open.JPG
Expand Article Let it Snow: Some Halachos of Snow and Ice Melt on Shabbos
Snow on ShabbosReprinted from Halacha Hotline of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway In this article we will discuss several halachos related to snow and salt – or ice melt – on
1) According to most Poskim ....

Posted 12/27/2018 8:21 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: michalowiz.jpg
Expand Article How to Celebrate Sukkos – Part 1:
Reprinted from © 2018 Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz

The Mitzvah of Living in a Sukkah:
1. For the entire seven days, a person should consider the Sukkah to be his permanent home and
his house a temporary place. Therefore, a p ....

Posted 9/21/2018 5:50 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Expand Article #156 Taking an Exam on Shabbos


Posted 6/5/2018 6:17 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

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