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Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1765 Enlightening the Light Travel
Q. If one is traveling and space and weight are of the essence, does one have to take with, both his Shabbos and weekday taalis, or can he wear his Shabbos taalis for all prayers?
If one is medakdek (careful) to use special Shabbos shoes, can ....

Posted 6/29/2018 3:46 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1764 The Man Makes The Clothes
Q. A person who can afford only one suit (jacket) and he would like to wear it both on Shabbos as well as when he davens during the weekdays, is this OK, or does it take away from the honor of Shabbos to wear it on a weekday? If OK, should he remov ....

Posted 6/29/2018 3:44 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1763 All Things Must Come to a Good End?
Q. Why does ending with a good topic not apply to one ending a daily daf or any shiur on a sefer?

A. Actually, although it is not widely known, it does apply to all areas and acts of Torah study, as the Talmud (Brochos 31a) teaches ....

Posted 6/29/2018 11:20 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1762 Finishing Touched

Q. (See question 1761 above). How come some Parshios (like Kedoshim, Balak and others) do end with a wrong done?

A. Mishna Berura (138: 1) rules that the wrong done to an evil person or a non believer does not count. Others ....

Posted 6/29/2018 11:17 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1761 Off To a Good Start
Q. How important is when calling someone to the Torah to start with a good subject as we are so careful when finishing the aliya? Is it equally important?

A. Remah (O.H. 138:1) writes that one should always try to begin with a favora ....

Posted 6/29/2018 11:14 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1760 That's Only The Half of It
Q. How come we recite the half pasuk "Al Pi Hashem Beyad Moshe," (that is the way most people say, and the way it is printed in the Artscroll sidurim) during hagbaha. Is that not only half of the pasuk, that one is not supposed to say?

Posted 6/24/2018 8:24 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1759 A Living Image?
Re- question above (1751) on pointing a finger towards the Sefer Torah during hagbaha, some questions.

Q. If you don't see the front of the Torah, but since the parchment is thin (sh'lil) and the writing can be seen from the back side, ....

Posted 6/22/2018 5:50 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1758 Table Talk
Q. When a minyan meets in a home such as in a shiva, is there a need to have a table in the room during tefilah, even in the days that the Torah is not read, since it represents the mizbeach and that was essential in the Bet Hamikdash? If there is a ....

Posted 6/20/2018 4:37 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1757 Early Shabbos Kiddush
Q. I thank the Rov for giving all the opportunity to hear the Daas Torah from one of the Gedolei Hador Horav Miller shlita, easily and anonymously. Someone donated a Kiddush (we are a shul in the US) as a seudas hodoa for the meeting between Tru ....

Posted 6/15/2018 6:34 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1756 Park Your Thoughts
Q. A Jew is reciting the Amidah when he remembers that he forgot to put money in the parking meter, and he sees through the window that there is a police officer in the street who will soon give him a ticket. May he leave during the Amidah (since ....

Posted 6/15/2018 12:26 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1755 Blessings For Big Thanks
Q. Can one who is not obligated to recite the hagomel brocho, recite it for someone else who is present and cannot say it himself, and be motzi him with the brocho?

A. Shuchan Aruch (O.H. 219: 5) rules that if someone recited h ....

Posted 6/15/2018 12:05 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1754 What Are You Drinking?
Q. It occurred to me that even those (Poskim), such as Horav Shlomo Miller, who are meikel (lenient) regarding sherry cask whiskeys, would think it appropriate to be machmir (stringent) in a situation where a non-Jew or an intermarried couple is p ....

Posted 6/15/2018 11:49 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1753 Transfusion Confusion
Q. Does G-d allow his followers to get blood transfusions/transfers?
(An additional question asked). If you have an opportunity to receive a transfusion should you choose from a fellow Jew?

A. Halacha permits receiving blood a ....

Posted 6/15/2018 11:33 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1752 Convert Alert!
Q. Thank you for getting back to me, let me rephrase the question.
A non-Jew that was a very religious dedicated Catholic for many years (actually a priest) and decided to convert to Judaism, since he argues that finally he saw the real trut ....

Posted 6/15/2018 9:02 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1751 A Shaila Wound Around Your Little Finger
Q. Is there a source for the minhag that some people have to point with their little or pinky finger to the Torah when hagbaah is done? Why that finger?

A. Shulchan Aruch (O.H. 134: 2) mentions that at the time of hagbaa the prese ....

Posted 6/13/2018 11:25 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1750 Keep Alive the Food's Good Spirits
Q. Is someone had some food in his pockets and entered a cemetery, can he eat the food after he goes out? Is there an issue of ruach ra (bad spirit) involved?

A. Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 368: ) rules that one should honor, behave respectfull ....

Posted 6/13/2018 11:12 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1749 Chew This One Over
Q. Does Rav Miller Shlita also hold that you don't make a brocho on flavored chewing gum (as in Listerine strips see prior question 1739)? Don't you eat and enjoy the flavoring agents and sweetener mixed with the gum?

A. Contemporary Po ....

Posted 6/11/2018 10:46 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1748 A Drinking Problem
Q. Dear Rabbi Bartfeld, Can you please ask HoRav Miller Shlit'a if it is best to refrain from scotch in sherry casks due to the isur hanaah (prohibition of deriving benefit) of stam yayin (non-kosher wine). Thank you.

A. Horav Shlo ....

Posted 6/11/2018 12:39 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1747 Amen? Ken!
Q. If my minhag is not to say Baruch Hashem l'olam in Maariv (due to concerns of hefsek between geula and tefilla), should I also avoid saying Amein to this bracha?

A. Mishna Berura (66: 27) and Biur Halacha (ibid.) maintain that af ....

Posted 6/10/2018 11:30 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1746 See The Light?
Q. I will fly be"h Sunday June 3 from JFK to Moscow flight time 1:05 AM scheduled to arrive in Moscow 5:20 P.M. local time. Moscow is 7 hours ahead of NY when should I daven shacharis?

A. Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion i ....

Posted 6/8/2018 7:28 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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