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Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1796 More Answers To Answering
Q. (Re question above) Do all Poskim agree that one listening to the sheliach tzibur and the tzibur answering Amen, Kedusha, Kaddish, Barchu, etc, has to stop learning and is required to answer?

A. From Shulchan Aruch (O.H.55: 20) it wo ....

Posted 7/25/2018 12:38 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1795 An Answer To Answering
Q. Hello Rav, I recently read a halacha in the "Torah Tavlin" weekly publication discussing the obligation (or lack of) to answer Amen, Kedusha, Kaddish, Barchu, etc, etc when you are learning Torah and hear a minyan saying them. There was a major d ....

Posted 7/25/2018 12:35 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1794 A Taalis Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma
Q. A taalis brocho question: At... a makeshift shul... , including a chazzan's amud on wheels that has an opening door... I kept my (new) Shabbos Taallis inside of the amud zipped shut in a standard Taallis bag with my name sewn on it. I came one S ....

Posted 7/25/2018 12:10 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1793 Ban The Flames?
Q. Thank you so much for your prompt answer (on the screen use during the 3 weeks and on Shabbat). You wrote that the Horav Miller "permits leaving on during Shabbos the picture displayed on the screen, if it does not change and stays the same durin ....

Posted 7/23/2018 12:17 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1792 Moving into a New Home Sweet Home-Page
Q. Can one create a new web site during the 3 weeks? It is not a business need, which I assume would be permitted, but a family one. We use it to keep our large and extended family, now living in different countries in contact and virtually to ....

Posted 7/22/2018 6:12 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1791 Screen This Screen
Q. Kvod Horav. We have in our family room a very large screen that serves as a virtual picture frame. It changes according to the times we program it, into different scenes, images and pictures of nature that we greatly enjoy. We also display fami ....

Posted 7/20/2018 7:29 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1790 If You Can Feed Them Join Them
Q. Can women, family or friends, invited to a yohrtzait siyum (see question above), take also part in the siyum and eat meat during the 9 days, even if they are not helping to set up?

A. Nitei Gavriel (Bein Hametzorim 1: 41: 2, Piskei T ....

Posted 7/20/2018 12:42 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1789 See-You at the Siyum
Q. If someone was invited to a yohrtzait siyum during the Nine Days but arrived after the siyum, can he still partake, eat meat and drink wine?
Does he have to eat bread or at least mezonot?

A. On question 196 in regards to peop ....

Posted 7/20/2018 12:32 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1788 Air Tight Shaila
Q. Can you spray insulation in a house being built during the 9 days? The company is hard to engage and it can delay significantly the construction.

A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that adding insulation, even when sprayed t ....

Posted 7/20/2018 12:25 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1787 Carry a Secret to the Gravestone?
Q. I'm ordering the matzeva for my mother a'h. I'm writing a text that explains her life's meaning and values. Since she didn't understand Hebrew, can I have the words inscribed in Yidish?

A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is th ....

Posted 7/20/2018 12:17 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1786 Some Wisdom on Teeth Extraction
Q. I chose this coming Thursday as a day for a four wisdom-teeth extraction, because it is before the beginning of the nine days. Is this correct? or should I rather cancel and wait to see if I can get an appointment maybe much later, after the thre ....

Posted 7/20/2018 11:57 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1785 A Cover Up
Q. Hello Rav, this one is a bit urgent.
Last year we had to re-do our kitchen. We ended up completely covering a window with cabinets. A rav we asked said it was fine because the window is still fully intact and can be seen from outside the ho ....

Posted 7/18/2018 11:55 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1784 Case Closed
Q. I'm wondering what the Halacha is for a mezuza (in its case) that falls or gets knocked down on Shabbat. It seems clear that it can be picked up from the ground, but its not clear to me if it should be re-attached on not. What if its just re-atta ....

Posted 7/18/2018 11:42 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1783 A For-Giving Answer
Q. Is the money for maaser and tzedakah different? If somebody took the obligation to give for tzedakah for doing Yizkor is it considered maaser or tzedakah. In expression Tzedakah tazil mimavet is it including money for maaser. Is money paid to th ....

Posted 7/18/2018 11:34 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1782 In The Hot Seat
Q. Is one permitted for a man to sit next to a woman on a bus, train, or plane? Is it permitted to ask to have one's seat changed? If a woman does sit down next to him, is it more proper to get up and find another seat or is it more proper to stay ....

Posted 7/15/2018 9:11 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1781 Some More Shoes News, On Their Last Legs
Q. Does the tradition or prohibition not to wear the shoes of the deceased apply also to tennis shoes, rubbers or overshoes? (See question above). Does it also apply to prosthetic legs or feet?

A. Nitei Gavriel (Avelus 1: 132: ....

Posted 7/15/2018 9:03 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1780 If The Shoe Fits.....
Q. Can you wear the shoes of a deceased? Can you donate it to a charity that could give it to a Jewish needy?

A. Rabi Yehuda HaChosid writes on his Tzavaha (See Sefer Chasidim 454) not to wear the shoes of a deceased, and also not t ....

Posted 7/15/2018 8:49 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1780 If The Shoe Fits.....
Q. Can you wear the shoes of a deceased? Can you donate it to a charity that could give it to a Jewish needy?

A. Rabi Yehuda HaChosid writes on his Tzavaha (See Sefer Chasidim 454) not to wear the shoes of a deceased, and also not t ....

Posted 7/15/2018 8:44 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article # 1779 Clothes Encounters
Q. Can you wear the clothing of a deceased? Can you donate it to a charity that could give it to a Jewish needy?

A. Poskim write that there is no prohibition or a tradition not to wear he clothing of as deceased, it can therefore b ....

Posted 7/13/2018 4:21 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article # 1778 Reform That Tune
Q. (See question above regarding church melodies). If the answer is no, are we allowed to sing melodies in schul that were sung in the Reform Temple in Berlin? True, they were sung to G-d. However, their concept of G-d is largely different then ou ....

Posted 7/11/2018 12:09 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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