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Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article #4987 The Head Start
- Q. Is a seuda (meal) in which the group begins to learn a new Mesechta and officially and publicly start the learning with the first Mishna considered to be a Seudas Mitzva that should be attended by many?

A. Regarding a Seuda that qu ....

Posted 5/31/2024 12:30 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4986 A Groove for the Grooves?
- Q. See questions above. Should one in such a situation use shoes that have non flat soles, but rather they have grooves and therefore it diminishes greatly the chances to kill the ants?

A. Indeed it is an additional benefit to be l ....

Posted 5/31/2024 12:22 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4985 Avant the Ant
Q. See question above: How far does one have to walk away to avoid steeping on ants on the street?

A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that it is hard to give an exact answer as there are many elements and different conditio ....

Posted 5/31/2024 12:19 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4984 The Anticipant Ant
Q. I came home on Shabbos to a stream of ants and it was almost impossible to not step on them. Could I have swept them aside or is that just as much of a problem as stepping on them?

A. Killing animals including insects is part of th ....

Posted 5/31/2024 12:17 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4983 Get the Picture?
Q. I have not been on a video in a mixed zoom class on account that it's more tsnious, (shows modesty and discretion). Is there a source to not show my face on a mixed zoom class as one Rabbi is giving me a hard time? Does the same apply for a woma ....

Posted 5/31/2024 12:12 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4982 Dance Up a Fire Storm?
Q, Kevod Rabbenu Shlit’a. Is it really permitted to dance around a fire on Lag Baomer?

A. Tusefta (Shabbos 7: 1) mentions that clapping hands or dancing while phasing a fire is prohibited as it is similar to the ways and conduct of th ....

Posted 5/26/2024 3:21 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4981 The Healing Day
Q. Dear Rov Shlit”a. My father shlit’a needs an open hearth surgery and he was given the opportunity to do it on Lag Baomer. Should he do it on that day?

A. Indeed, Sefarim do mention that Lag Baomer is a day that advocates and promo ....

Posted 5/24/2024 1:40 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4980- Questioning the Questions?
Q. A Rabbi who is learning Talmud with and his phone rings likely with a Shaila, does he have to stop his learning to answer the question?

A. The Rosh Hayeshiva of Mir, Horav Binyomin Carlebach Shlit’a responded that he should not stop ....

Posted 5/24/2024 12:59 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4979 The Second Follows the First?
- Q. If someone eats only Shemura Matza during Pesach does he have to eat the same on Pesach Sheni (Second Pesach)?

A. As metioned in other shailos the traditions of Pesach Sheni vary extensively between different communities.

Posted 5/24/2024 12:55 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4978 Only Rabbinical Positive
Q. How come on the Leshem Yichud tefila said before the counting of the Omer we mention: “Hineni Muchan Umezuman Lekayem Mitzvas Aseh Shel Sefiras Haomer” (I’m ready to comply with the positive commandment of Sefira) Why? After all almost all Posk ....

Posted 5/24/2024 12:48 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4977 Always a Second Chance
Q. Shalom Rov Shlit’a. How come there is for bringing the korban Pesach a second chance in Pesach Sheni, something not seen in any other Yom Tov as special as they could be, after all. there is no Yom Kippur Sheni?

A. Sefarim write tha ....

Posted 5/24/2024 12:39 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4976 The Eternal Return
Q. Reading the current parshiot. If all of Klal Yisroel did Teshuva individually anyway, and the day (Yom Kippur) also provided atonement, even nowadays, why was it necessary, other than obeying Hashem's command, to have the Kohen Gadol provide K ....

Posted 5/24/2024 12:32 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4975 The Unlicenced Licensee
Q. Kevod Rabbenu how essential is it for the many of us that work constantly with computers and in the internet to subscribe and have programs that protect us from wrong and sinful advertisements.

Do we have to demand such programs eve ....

Posted 5/24/2024 12:27 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4974 The threefold Treasure
- Q. In Hebrew, Is there a connection between the 3-dot triangle vowel “segol” and the feminine expression "segulah" meaning treasure?

A. One may say that in a sense since a segol can be indeed turned on all sides in some forms of pri ....

Posted 5/24/2024 12:19 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4973 A Gentle Gentile Grace
- Q. See question 4964 above. If a Gentile is allowed to enter a shul, should he cover his head with a kapel. Can he also be given a translated Sidur or Chumash to read while there? Can he be given a Taalith?

A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s ....

Posted 5/24/2024 12:10 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4972 The First Matza on the Second Pesach
- Q. Dear Rov Shlit’a. This year (5784- 2024) the Second Pesach falls on this coming Wednesday May 22. For those of us that have the tradition of eating matza on that day, when should it be, in the night before or during the day or maybe on both?

Posted 5/19/2024 10:32 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4971 Everithing About Bakol
- Q. Chazal say, according to some opinions, that Avrohom had a daughter called "Bakol". Who was her mother?

A. Talmud (Baba Basra 16b) a mentions a number of interpretations to the posuk “And Hashem blessed Abraham with everything [ba ....

Posted 5/16/2024 11:22 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4970 Hard to Understand
- Q. Many Jewish leaders, when relating to the deaths of Gazan civilian Arabs, make the statement that every life lost is tragic and painful. Now, on the emotional side, the merciful side of a Jew, who is aware of the potential of life in any hum ....

Posted 5/16/2024 11:11 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4969 Don’t Forget Not To Write
- Q. Kevod Rabi Shlit’a. If one sends a phone email to his son to remind him to count Sefira, can he himself count that night with a brocho or has he already complied?

A. Poskim disagree if one complies the counting of Sefira by writi ....

Posted 5/16/2024 11:03 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #4968 Not in my Book?
- Q. We see in the Kolel Toronto that sefarim are placed on boxes on the front of the entrance for people to take. Can one take some and give them as a present to a shul and so comply with the great mitzva that is tantamount to the writing of ....

Posted 5/16/2024 10:51 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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