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Chai Lifeline Canada Fighting Illness with Love
Print Business Contact
258 Wilson Ave. , M3H 1S6
☎ 647-430-5933   

258 Wilson Ave.
Toronto, ONTARIO
M3H 1S6

☎ 647-430-5933   ☺ Rabbi Mordechai Rothman  •  send email  •  view map

When a child is born or diagnosed with a serious illness, the entire family feels the pain. Chai Lifeline provides crucial emotional, social, and financial assistance that enables children and parents to cope with the diagnosis, treatment and long term impact of life threatening or lifelong pediatric illness.

Categories:   Community Health Care Non Profit Support Group
Debbie Orenstein: PreNatal HypnoBirthing Classes, Birth Doula and Consulting Hypnotist 
Print Business Contact
Thornhill, Finch/Bathurst , M2R 1V6
☎ 416-833-4040   

Thornhill, Finch/Bathurst
Toronto, ON
M2R 1V6

☎ 416-833-4040   

JACS (Jewish Addiction Community Services) 
Print Business Contact
858 Sheppard Ave. W.  #Toronto, M3H2T5
☎ 416630350   

858 Sheppard Ave. W. #Toronto
Thornhill, ON

☎ 416630350 ext.(227)   

Possibility Life Coaching for Women 
Print Business Contact
2901 Bayview Avenue  #91028, M2K2V6
☎ 895-763-1111   

2901 Bayview Avenue #91028
Toronto, ONTARIO

☎ 895-763-1111   

Toronto Yachad 
Print Business Contact
15 Gorman Park Road , M3H 3K3
☎ 416-986-1985   

15 Gorman Park Road
Toronto, ONTARIO
M3H 3K3

☎ 416-986-1985   

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