When we speak about the great blessings of rain, shouldn't a person be happy over the rain on those days when it rains only when everybody is at home late at night?
The summertime precedes the Yom Hadin; it precedes Rosh Hashana. Why wasn't Rosh Hashana at Pesach time, or at Chanuka time, or in middle of the winter, asara b'teives, the cold months? T ....
Note: Bais HaMussar would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Rabbi Yitzchok Caplan for his many years of writing the weekly dvar Torah! We wish you much hatzlacha in all your endeavors! Henceforth, the dvar Tor ....
If simchah is not a goal in this world, so why does it say in the Torah, in the tochocho, that whatever will happen is because you didn't serve Hashem with simcah?
Parshas Re'eh 5777 QUESTION: Why is the bracha of Sheoso li kol tzorchi, He made all my needs, particularly on shoes? ANSWER:Hakadosh Baruch Hu didn't want to mention the word shoes openly be ....
In this week's parasha Moshe Rabbeinu recounts the giving of the Torah at Har Sinai. Chazal ask (Tanchuma Ki Sisa:36) when Moshe was atop Har Sinai for forty days and nights, how did he know if it was day or ni ....
The Torah relates that when Bnei Yisrael made the golden calf, Aharon observed the proceedings and built an altar in front of the deity. How can we understand Aharon's seemingly iniquitous behavior? The Gemara (Sanhedrin 7a) explains the rationale be ....