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Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Selling ones house in anticipation of Moshiach - A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #387
Parshas Devarim 5777


Why should we buy a home? If Mashiach comes, we'd have to liquidate it and go to Eretz Yisroel, so maybe we should keep the cash in the bank?

Hakadosh Baru ....

Posted 7/27/2017 10:50 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: rav wolbe.jpg
Expand Article Dvar Torah # 584 - Matos - Masei
Matos - Masei

After Bilam failed in his attempts to curse Bnei Yisrael, he hit upon another plan to cause their destruction. He had Midyanite women seduce Bnei Yisrael, and as a result Hashem wiped out twenty four thousand ....

Posted 7/21/2017 2:34 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Accomplishment of the Churban -A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #386
Parshas Mattos-Masei 5776


What did the Churban accomplish?

Many things. First of all the first Churban Bais Hamikdash accomplished that we became rid of royalty, became rid of ....

Posted 7/21/2017 2:29 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Working Kollel wives, normal or abnormal - A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #385
Parshas Pinchas 5777


How can a Kollel couple live a basic life, if his wife has to go out to work?

Now this you have to know, it's not an ordinary normal life. If you want to liv ....

Posted 7/14/2017 5:46 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Olam Habah in the Torah - A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #384
Parshas Balak 5776


Why isn't Olam Habah which is the purpose of our existence, spoken about more openly and in more detail in the Torah?

I'll tell you what the Kuzari says about ....

Posted 7/7/2017 1:17 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Misas Tzadikim mechaperes, Why? - A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #383
Parshas Chukas 5777


Why is misas tzaddikim mechaperes, why is it that the death of tzaddikim is a kapara? Why does it atone?

You must understand, that yakur b'einei Hashem hamuvs ....

Posted 6/30/2017 5:28 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: israelmeirlau.jpg
Expand Article Korach's punishment -A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #382
Parshas Korach 5777


Why did Korach deserve such a strong punishment?

When you do a favor to a fellow Jew, Hakadosh Baruch Hu rewards you, but suppose that fellow Jew is a very gr ....

Posted 6/23/2017 6:32 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Exercise - A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #381
Parshas Shelach 5777


How important is physical exercise, and how should one go about doing it?

The Rambam says physical exercise is important. How to go about doing it? There are ....

Posted 6/16/2017 12:35 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Preventing depression in old age - A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #380
Parshas Beha'aloscha 5777


How can a person prevent himself from suffering depression when old age suddenly appears?

Sh'sulim b'veis Hashem, if when you're young you are planted ....

Posted 6/9/2017 5:28 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Does Torah have intrinsic value -A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #379
Parshas Bamidbar 5777


Is Torah considered something of Hashem's imagination, or does it have intrinsic value?

As far as we're concerned, not only Torah has intrinsic value, but a ....

Posted 5/25/2017 11:08 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Purpose of learning the Torah in mothers womb - A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #378
Parshas Behar - Bechukosai 5777


The Gemara says, when a man is in his mother's womb a malach comes and teaches him kol Hatorah kulo, teaches him the entire Torah. And just as he's about to come out into this w ....

Posted 5/18/2017 9:07 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Proper way of taking a walk - A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #377 (
Parshas Emor 5777


Are we permitted to walk on Kings Highway because of lack of tznius?

Wherever we walk on the streets today is the same problem. A person must fill his mind at a ....

Posted 5/12/2017 5:39 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Stumbling blocks -A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #376
Parshas Acharei Mos - Kedoshim 5777


The Torah states, "Before a blind man you should not put a stumbling block", so why does Hashem Himself do it by allowing so many false ideologies to flourish?

Posted 5/5/2017 5:43 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Understanding the Holocaust -A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #375
Parshas Tazria - Metzora 5777


What should one tell someone, why Hashem allowed Hitler to kill so many Gedolim?

What should you tell yourself you mean!

And th ....

Posted 4/28/2017 6:07 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Going thru a red light -A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #374
Parshas Shmini 5777


Is it an aveiro, is it a sin, to go through a red light?

It is one of the very biggest sins. First of all, you're endangering your life, and a person that end ....

Posted 4/21/2017 5:27 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: rav wolbe.jpg
Expand Article Ki Sisa
Ki Sisa
        After the sin of the Golden Calf, Bnei Yisrael were informed that instead of Hashem accompanying them along their journey He would be sending an angel in His place. "The ....

Posted 3/16/2017 10:21 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Symbolism of the Aron Habris -A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #368
Parshas Terumah 5777


Why was the Ark of the covenant, the Aron Habris, made of wood covered with gold, whereas other things were solid gold?

One of the symbols our sages tell u ....

Posted 3/3/2017 4:48 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Enjoying Olam Hazeh-A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #367 (
Parshas Mishpatim 5777


Why should anybody appreciate the world today, if he knows that the world to come is more enjoyable?

Why not? If it'll hinder you - let's say, if eating ....

Posted 2/24/2017 4:51 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: rav wolbe.jpg
Expand Article Yisro
When Yisro saw the tremendous effort that Moshe Rabbeinu invested in judging Bnei Yisrael, he suggested that Moshe divide the responsibility between a number of people. After receiving approval from Hashem, Yisro's advice was accepted and c ....

Posted 2/16/2017 6:22 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Expand Article Inyan of teaching children, Torah tziva lanu Moshe - A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #366 (
Parshas Yisro 5777


What's the importance of teaching a child, Torah tzivah lanu Moshe, this passuk that Moshe gave us a Torah that Hakadosh Baruch Hu handed over to him?

There's ....

Posted 2/16/2017 5:45 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

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