After Bilam failed in his attempts to curse Bnei Yisrael, he hit upon another plan to cause their destruction. He had Midyanite women seduce Bnei Yisrael, and as a result Hashem wiped out twenty four thousand ....
The Gemara says, when a man is in his mother's womb a malach comes and teaches him kol Hatorah kulo, teaches him the entire Torah. And just as he's about to come out into this w ....
The Torah states, "Before a blind man you should not put a stumbling block", so why does Hashem Himself do it by allowing so many false ideologies to flourish?
After the sin of the Golden Calf, Bnei Yisrael were informed that instead of Hashem accompanying them along their journey He would be sending an angel in His place. "The ....
When Yisro saw the tremendous effort that Moshe Rabbeinu invested in judging Bnei Yisrael, he suggested that Moshe divide the responsibility between a number of people. After receiving approval from Hashem, Yisro's advice was accepted and c ....