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Halacha For Today: Thursday, 25 Iyar 5772, May 17, 2012
Halacha For Today:


25 Iyar 5772;40th Day of the Omer; 10 Days Until Kabolas HaTorah

May 17, 2012



1) One who davens Ma'ariv early on Rosh Chodesh eve (before sunset of Rosh Chodesh but after Plag HaMincha) as is common in many shuls, especially on Friday afternoon in the summer months where "early Shabbos" is made, recites Ya'aleh V'Yavo in the Shemona Esrei of Ma'ariv even though it is still daylight outside.

2) Likewise, if one davens Ma'ariv early on Rosh Chodesh (after Plag HaMincha of Rosh Chodesh but before Sunset of the eve of the second day of the month) no Ya'aleh V'Yavo is recited in the Shemona Esrei of Ma'ariv. (See Mishna Berura Siman424:2 and Sha'ar HaTziyun Siman 668:12


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to


What is the exact issur of using a kli (utensil) that was not toiveled?


The prohibition of eating on non toveled utensils is based on the Posuk in Bamidbar 31:23.

While certain Poskim maintain that this is a rabinnic requirement, and only use the Posuk as an Asmachta, the Shulchan Aruch maintains that it is a D'Oraisa.(See Gemara Avoda Zara 75b, Shulchan Aruch Y"D Siman 120:14, Rama Siman 120:8, Aruch HaShulchan Y"D Siman 120:3 and 48, Shu"t Igros Moshe Yoreh Deah Vol. 3 end of Siman 22


In a recent Q&A corner I posted an answer about Mayim Achronim being obligatory. I received a large volume of email from readers asking for clarification about this Halacha and asking why certain people are not careful with this Halacha etc. Therefore, I am re-posting the Halachos of Mayom Achronim, which we covered in the daily Halachos around three years ago, for the benefit of anyone that may gain some clarity from it.

Halachos of Mayim Achronim

1) It is obligatory to wash the hands after eating, before reciting Birchas HaMazon, even if the hands are clean. This washing is known as "Mayim Achronim" (Shulchan Aruch Siman 181:1. See Mishna Berura ibid. S"K 1 regarding where Chazal derived this Halacha and some of its reasons)

2) Although the Shulchan Aruch quotes a more lenient opinion about this (in Siman 181:10) , the Poskim are extremely stringent with this and dismiss the leniencies even nowadays, based on many deep kabalistic reasons, and implore everyone to be careful in the observance of Mayim Achronim (See Mishna Berura 181:21, Shl"a Sha'ar HaOsiyos, Kuf, Aruch HaShulchan 181:3 and 4, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Siman 44:1. The Kaf HaChaim 181:27 writes that one that is lenient with Mayim Achronim, risks having his life shortened.)

3) Even those that are not careful with Mayim Achronim when eating with others, should be extra careful when eating alone, as the impure spirits can cause much more harm when one eats alone. (Kaf HaChaim 181:1. See also the piercing words of the Pele Yoetz in "Netilas Yadayim")

Even those who are not so careful with Mayim Achronim during the weekdays, should be extra stringent with this on Shabbos and Yom Tov. (Leket Yosher in Hilchos Seudah, quoting the Terumas HaDeshen. See also Mateh Efraim Siman 583:4 and Siman 619:1 and in the Elef L'mateh ibid.)

4) Even though one of the reasons given for Mayim Achronim is to prevent blindness that may arise from touching the eyes with hands that touched certain salts, it is still incumbent upon a blind person to wash Mayim Achronim, as there are many other reasons for this washing. (Psak of Rav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita)

5) It is a good practice to train children in the washing of Mayim Achronim (Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, quoted in Sefer Otzar Hamayim Chapter 4)

In certain communities it is customary for women to also wash Mayim Achronim , while in other communities it is less prevalent for women to do so. Both Minhagim are acceptable. (See Aruch HaShulchan 181:5, Shu"t Teshuvos V'hanhagos Vol. 1 Siman 174, Shu"t Shevet Haleivi Vol. 4Siman 23 and Shu"t V'Yevarech Dovid Siman 30)

6) If one did not wash Mayim Achronim and recited Birchas HaMazon, he should wash after completing Birchas HaMazon, or even in the middle of Birchas Hamazon if he remembers, as it's not a Hefsek as it is necessary for the Bracha. (Mishna Berura 181:2, Sefer Otzar haMayim Chapter 4:52 quoting rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita)

7) Ideally, Mayim Achronim should be washed with water.

The water used, should be cold. If hot water was used the obligation for Mayim Achronim has not been satisfied. warm water is acceptable B'Dieved. (Mishna Berura 181:7 and 8. See also Yalkut Yosef 181:10)

8) If no water is available, and it would be difficult to attain water, Mayim Achronim may be washed with other beverages, besides for wine, due to its importance. (Mishna Berura 181:21)

9) Mayim Achronim does not require a utensil, nor does it require "Koach Gavra, force of a human" like the washing of Netilas Yadayim.

There are no problems of Chatzitza for Mayim Achronim, and the water only needs to pour over the hands one time. (Mishna Berura 181:21)

10) There is no minimum amount of water necessary for Mayim Achronim, rather as small an amount as is necessary to clean the hands is sufficient.(we will elaborate on this in the near future iy"H)

The Gaon of Vilna was scrupulous with Mayim Achronim and required a Revi'is to be used (Mishna Berura 181:19)

Though drying the hands after Mayim Achronim is not mandatory, it is best to be stringent and dry the hands to fulfill the opinion of the Rambam who requires drying the hands (ibid.)

11) When washing Mayim Achronim, the fingers must be washed at least until the second knuckle [and the first knuckle for the thumb], as generally the hands do not get dirtied past there from eating.

However, if one's hands indeed did get dirty higher than the second knuckle, the dirtied areas must be washed before being allowed to say Birchas HaMazon. (See Mishna Berura 181:10, where he writes that he unfortunately sees people who simply dab a little water on their fingertips and by doing so they do not satisfy the obligation of Mayim Achronim, and it is a bad practice to do this.)

Some opinions require washing until the joints of the fingers. L'Chatchilah, if water is available it is best to do this. (Biur Halacha 181:4)

12) The Gaon of Vilna required washing the entire hand. (See Shu"t Teshuvos V'Hanhagos Vol. 1 Siman 174).

However, some Poskim maintain that for kabalistic reasons it is best not to wash for Mayim Achronim with more water than necessary (unlike Netilas Yadayim where it is a Mitzvah to wash with an abundance of water) (See Ben Ish Chai Parshas Sh'lach Siman 8 , 9 and 12 and Kaf HaChaim 181:6.)

13) Mayim Achronim should not be washed onto the floor, as the Ruach Ra (impure spirit) that is in the water will then remain on the floor, and may pose a danger to anyone who steps on the water.

Rather, the water should be washed into a utensil that is designated as a receptacle for the water, which should then be disposed of. (See Biur Halacha Siman 181:2)

However, if the water is being washed onto the floor that is under the table, where nobody will walk, it is permitted to do so. Still, if a utensil is available in which to wash, that is better than doing on the floor under the table (Mishna Berura Siman 181:4-6. See also Shulchan Aruch HaRav Siman 180:4)

14) Mayim Achronim may be washed directly into the sink, as people who are stringent to use a Revi'is as the Gaon of Vilna held, do in any case. Some maintain that the water must be washed into a utensil, and not in the sink, however the prevalent minhag is not to require this. (See Shu"t Yabia Omer Vol. 5 Siman 2 and Likutei MaHarich end of HanHogas Seudah quoting the Shl"a HaKadosh.)

Care should be taken while washing Mayim Achronim that the water doesn't splash onto the table, especially onto the food, as this may make the food unfit for consumption according to many Poskim. (Mishna Berura Siman 180:7. See also Kaf HaChaim Siman 180:10)

15)When Birchas HaMazon will be recited on a Kos (cup) of wine, it is proper to fill up the cup before washing Mayim Achronim. (Shulchan Aruch HaRav Siman 181:6, Kaf HaChaim 181:3)

16) The one who will be leading the Benching or the most respected member at the table should wash Mayim Achronim first before the rest of the people at the table. (Although the Mishna Berura 181:12, paskens like the Shulchan Aruch that this is only the case when there is up to 5 people present, the accepted custom is that the leader always washes first, no matter how many people are present. See Rambam Hilchos Brachos Perek 7:12 and Kesef Mishna on the Rambam. See also Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 44:1 and Likutei MaHarich end of Hilchos Hanhogas HaSeudah who quotes many Rishonim that hold like this.)

The rest of the people at the table should wash in order that they are sitting, and not according to age or wisdom. (Mishna Berura 181:14)

The one leading the Birchas HaMazon should wait for everyone at the table to finish washing Mayim Achronim before starting the Zimun. (See Ketzos HaShulcahn Siman 43:5)

17) Mayim Achronim needs to be washed immediately before Birchas HaMazon, and no unnecessary interruptions, talking or even quietly waiting should take place between the washing and the start of Birchas HaMazon. (See Mishna Berura Siman 179:1 and 2. The Shulchan Aruch HaRav Siman Siman 181:6 is less stringent and even allows 2 or 3 words to be spoken.)

In the event that many people are eating together, it is best to prepare a few cups of water from which to wash, as to minimize the long wait that having only one cup for everyone would cause. (See Biur Halacha Siman 181 Dibur Hamaschil Min Hakatan)

18) Even speaking words of Torah or singing Zemiros are prohibited between the washing of Mayim Achronim and the beginning of Birchas HaMazon. (Mishna Berura Siman 181:24)

Therefore, the recital of Shir Hamalos (on Shabbos) or Al Naharos Bavel (in the weekdays) which is customary to say before benching should be said before washing Mayim Achronim. (See Aruch HaShulchan 181:9 and K'tzos HaShulchan Siman 43:1 where he says that if it was inadvertently said after Mayim Achronim, the hands should be rewashed. See also Mishna Berura 179:1 where he says that if any interruptions were made, L'Chatchilah the hands should be rewashed. See Sha'ar Hatzion 179:9. See also Shu"t Az Nidberu Vol. 13 Siman 30:4 regarding if Asher Yatzar is a Hefsek for Mayim Achronim)

Talking between Mayim Achronim and Benching can be a Sakana (danger) besides for the Halachic Hefsek detailed above. (Based on the Arizal, quoted in the Pri Megadim, Aishel Avraham 181:10)

19) Many have the custom, immediately after Mayim Achronim, to rub their wet hands over their lips to wash away any food particles that may be there.

Some Poskim, however, write not to do this.(see Shu"t Hisorerus Teshuva Siman 83 and Kaf HaChaim 181:21. See also Elya Rabbah 181:2 and Ben Ish Chai Parshas Sh'lach Siman 68)

20) Many people have the custom to cover the Mayim Achronim water, or even to remove it entirely from the table before beginning to recite Birchas HaMazon (See Kaf HaChaim 181:8 and Ohr L'Tzion Vol. 2 Siman81:6. See also Shu"t Shevet Haleivi Vol. 8 Siman 168 and Orchos Rabbeinu page 83 where he writes that the Steipler Zatzal would cover the Mayim Achronim with a paper napkin.


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

"If you can't explain it, you don't fully understand it."
Vilna Gaon, commentary to Proverbs 22:18

I teach a class three times a week and, truth be told, my main
motivation is to master the material. In order to teach, I have to
know it backward and forward, to be able to present it from different
angles, and to field any questions that may arise. Teaching is a great
way to prevent what I call "fake-out" - that lazy, seductive voice
inside us that says: "Mediocre is good enough."

Teaching comes with many bonuses. Of course, there's the deep
satisfaction of seeing a student move along the path from confusion to
clarity. For a teacher, that moment of "understanding" is a priceless

There's another bonus as well: I invariably come away from my class
knowing the material better than I did going in. That's because the
students' questions sharpen my understanding, forcing me to examine
new facets and construct sound paradigms. As the great Rebbe Yehuda
said: "Much have I learned from my teachers, more from my colleagues,
but most of all from my students." (Talmud - Taanit 7a)

Submitted by daily reader, R.F; written by by Rabbi Shraga Simmons at

Posted 5/17/2012 12:19 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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