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Tuesday, 18 Adar I 5771, February 22 2011
Halacha For Today:

18 Adar I, 5771
February 22, 2011

1) The second of the "4 Parshiyos" is "Parshas Zachor" (which can be found at the end of Parshas Ki Seitzei, Devarim 25:17-19) which commemorates the story of how the accursed nation of Amalek rose up against Klal Yisroel, and the commandment to eradicate them.

This "Parsha" is read the Shabbos before Purim (This year, Parshas Tzav) in order to read it as close as possible to the reading of the story of the wicked Haman, who was a descendant of Amalek.

2) The reading of "Parshas Zachor" is a biblical obligation, which must be read once a year with a Minyan, from a kosher Sefer Torah.

All the congregants should concentrate on hearing every word from the Ba'al Koreh (as well as the Brachos before and after the Aliyah) and have in mind to satisfy their obligation to hear this Parsha.

The Poskim debate whether this obligation is incumbent on women as well. Though most Poskim are lenient and maintain that women have no obligation to hear it is Shul, the prevalent Minhag is for women and girls to indeed come to Shul [if possible] to hear Parshas Zachor.

If a woman cannot make it to Shul, she should read the Pesukim herself from a Chumash.


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers. Taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.

Questions can be emailed to
Reader's Question:

I'm curious to know what exactly is the story with strawberries?

I heard there's something wrong with eating them but I never got it straight. Who said there's something wrong with them and what is wrong, then?

Is it all strawberries, or certain types?

Is there any way of cleaning/ checking them that will make them permissible to eat?

Is it ossur to eat them?


A while back , the kashrus agencies let it be known that strawberries had a problem with bugs in them and needed special checking. This applies only to fresh strawberries and not frozen ones.

The Star K Kashrus agency, on their website states the following:

" Strawberries
1. Fill basin with water and some liquid cleanser*or special strawberry wash
(such as Tsunami 100).
2. Soak strawberries while agitating the water.
3. Rinse strawberries under a stream of water.
4. It is preferable to cut off the top with a small amount of the flesh.
5. Strawberries may now be used."

They also have a video about this, which can be seen here

As a Zechus for the Refuah Shelaima of one of the Gedolei HaDor, the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva , HaRav Chaim Stein Shlita, R' Chaim Yaakov ben Chasya Miriam, B'soch Sha'ar Cholei Yisroel, we will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


אל תתיאש מן הרחמים

Chizuk For Today:

"The term 'hiding' generally implies that one does not know where the other person is. However, if one knows that the person is on the other side of the obstacle, and he merely cannot see him, he is not truly hidden. Thus, when Hashem tells us, 'I will hide my face that day,' He is encouraging us for He is saying: Even though I am not visible I am standing close by."

Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov Zatzal quoted in Sefer Torah Tavlin

Taken from

Posted 2/21/2011 6:22 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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