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Erev Shabbos Kodesh, 14 Mar Cheshvan 5771; October 22 2010
Halacha For Today:

Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas VaYeira
14 Mar Cheshvan 5771
October 22 2010

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Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh

1)Although we learned that a cooked item may not be placed directly on a fire or another heat source due to "Yesh Tzli V'Afiya Achar Bishul, a cooked item can still become roasted or baked", this holds true only when the proximity of the food to the heat source is close enough where it can actually get roasted.

2)However, if the cooked food is placed on top of a pot that is on the fire, on top of a hot water urn or on a blech not directly over the heat source, it is permitted. (See Biur Halacha Siman 318:15 where he asks on the Shulchan Aruch who, unlike the Rama, seemingly here allows the food to be placed directly by the fire after having prohibited this in 318:5. See Chazon Ish Siman 37:14 where he attempts to answer this contradiction. See also Kaf HaChaim 318:78

Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh

1)A food item that was cooked, roasted and baked, according to some Poskim, since it has already been through every kind of heating process it no longer is subject to the prohibition of Bishul and maybe heated up via all three methods. (Opinion of the Pri Megadim, quoted in Biur Halacha Siman 318:5 Dibur Hamaschil Yesh Mi SheOmer)

2) Some Poskim, however, maintain that the last process that the food underwent is what counts and thus if its final preparation was via baking, it is considered a baked item and is once again subject to the prohibition of cooking. (Biur Halacha ibid. seems to lean towards this Psak, and it is best to be stringent with this.)


The Thirty Nine Avos Melachos of Shabbos:

1. Zo'reah - Planting 2. Choresh - Plowing

3. Kotzer - Reaping 4. M'Amer - Gathering

5. Dash - Threshing 6. Zoreh - Winnowing

7. Borer - Sorting 8. Tochen - Grinding

9. Miraked - Sifting 10. Lash - Kneading

11. Ofeh / Bishul -Baking/Cooking 12. Gozez - Shearing

13. Melaben - Bleaching 14. Menapetz - Combing tangled wool

15. Tzo'veah - Dyeing 16. Toveh - Spinning

17. Mesach - Setting threads onto loom 18. Oseh Beis Batai Nirin - Preparing to weave

19. Oreg - Weaving 20. Potzeiah - Taking apart threads.

21. Kosher - Tying a knot 22. Matir - Untying a knot

23. Tofer - Sewing 24. Ko'reah - Tearing

25. Tzad - Trapping 26. Shochet - Slaughtering

27. Mafshit - Skinning 28. M'abed - Tanning

29. Mesarteit- Scratching lines on parchment30. Memachek - Smoothing

31. Mechatech - Cutting to exact shape 32. Kosev - Writing

33. Mochek - Erasing 34. Boneh - Building

35. Soser - Demolishing 36. Mechabeh - Extinguishing

37. Ma'avir - Kindling a fire. 38. Makeh B'Patish - Completing an object

39. Hotza'ah - Carrying between domains or in public domain


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers. Taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.

Questions can be emailed to
Reader's Question:

I pace during davening. What parts of davening am I not permitted to do so and when am I permitted?


If pacing helps you concentrate, you may do so for all of davening except Shemona Esrei [and Kedusha]when you need to stand still in one place.


As a Zechus for the Refuah Shelaima of one of the Gedolei HaDor, the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva , HaRav Chaim Stein Shlita, R' Chaim Yaakov ben Chasya Miriam, B'soch Sha'ar Cholei Yisroel, we will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


אל תתיאש מן הרחמים

Chizuk For Today:

The Chasam Sofer Zatzal

"The power of prayer is so great, that if a person were to pray one single prayer with perfect concentration and the purest intent, that single prayer has the power to gather together all the other prayers that one may have prayed without proper thought throughout the year, and bring them all up to be accepted in front of the Heavenly throne!"

The Chasam Sofer Zatzal quoted on from Sefer Torah Tavlin

Posted 10/22/2010 10:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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