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Wednesday, Hoshana rabbah 5771, ep. 29 2010
Halacha For Today:

Wednesday; Hoshana Rabbah
September 29 2010
21 Tishrei 5771

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This edition of Halacha for Today has been dedicated by a daily reader in Cleveland, OH, as a zechus Refuah Shelaima for the Telzer rosh yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Stein Shlita, Rav Chaim Yaakov ben Chasya Miram B'Soch Sha'ar Cholei Yisroel. Please continue to daven for his quick and complete recovery.

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Thank you and Tizkeh L'Mitzvos!

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The Bostoner Rebbe, Rav Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Zatzal on Hoshana Rabbah

ושמחת בחגך...והיית אך שמח


Halachos for Wednesday, Hoshana Rabbah

1) After davening on Hoshana Rabbah, after using the Lulav and Esrog for the last time, many have the custom to place the Lulav (with the Hadasim and Aravos still bound to it) on top of the door, on top of the Aron Kodesh, or in another safe place and save it for Erev Pesach when it can be burned together with the Chametz.

The purpose of doing this is to use something that was used for a Mitzvah (the Lulav) in conjunction with yet another Mitzvah (burning the Chametz) (See Kaf HaChaim Siman 664:60. Based on a Talmud Yerushalmi Eiruvin Perek 6:7, quoted in Tur Siman 297:4. See also Orchos Rabbeinu from the Steipler Zatzal Vol. 2 Page 316)

2) Some have the custom to make a jelly/jam out of the Esrogim that were used for a Mitzvah. This jelly/jam is given to pregnant women to eat while they are in labor, as eating this Mitzvah jelly/jam is a Segulah for an easy birth and for the child to be healthy.

Furthermore, It is a Segulah for pregnant women to bite off the Pitum of the Esrog on Hoshana Rabbah, and to give Tzedaka and daven for an easy labor. (See Likutei Maharich Sukkos page 106a. See also Elef Hamagen Siman 660:6 and Sefer Moed L'Kol Chai Siman 24:25 where a special Tefilah is printed for the woman to say)

Many people also have the custom to taste this Esrog jelly/jam on the eve of Tu B'Shvat. (See Kaf HaChaim ibid. and Orchos Rabbeinu ibid.)

[ It is proper to pray on the eve of Tu B'Shvat that one merit having a nice Esrog on the next Sukkos. (See Bnei Yissoscher Chodesh Sh'vat Ma'amar 2. See also Sefer Lashon Chachamim Vol. 1 Siman 38)]

Halachos for Thursday, Shmini Atzeres (Simchas Torah in Eretz Yisroel)

1) When dancing with the Torah on Simchas Torah, it is a mitzvah to rejoice as best as one can; this Simcha should be L'Shem Shomayim, in honor of Hashem and His holy Torah, and not simply an unstructured "party" or "good time" and surely one must be careful to avoid any levity or lightheadedness (S'Chok V'kalus Rosh) Chas V'Shalom (See Tur and Rama Siman 669. See also Ben Ish Chai Parshas V'Zos HaBracha Siman 18 and Kaf HaChaim 669:23. See also Mishna Berura 669:11 and Rambam Hilchos Lulav Perek 8:15)

(Rav Bentzion Abba Shaul Zatzal was extremely stringent with this and didn't sit down the entire Hakafos and ruled this way for all who were with him that were healthy and able bodied)

2) M'Ikar HaDin (according to the letter of the law) one must stand the entire time that the Sifrei Torah are out for the hakafos , in respect of the Torah. (Rav Bentzion Abba Shaul Zatzal was extremely stringent with this and didn't sit down the entire Hakafos and ruled this way for all who were with him that were healthy and able bodied)

However, if it is difficult for one to stand, the Poskim are lenient and allow sitting down, besides for the first time around the Bimah of each hakafa when everyone must stand. (See Halichos Shlomo Perek 12:9 for the reasoning behind this leniency)

Some have the custom to only sit while holding a Sefer Torah in their hands. (This was the minhag of the Steipler Zatzal and YB"LCT Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Shlita)

Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, Simchas Torah (in Chutz L'Aretz)

1) Shmini Atzeres/Simchas Torah is an extremely opportune time, an Eis Ratzon, for one's Tefilos to be accepted by HaKadosh Baruch Hu. Therefore it is proper to daven with extreme Kavanah. (See Sefer Moed L'Kol Chai Siman 25:1. This is based on a Zohar HaKadosh Parshas Noach and Parshas Tzav where it basically says that all that one asks for (in earnest) will be given to them! See also Sefer Seder HaYom Seder Simchas Torah Dibur Hamaschil U'Bsefer HaZohar)

2)It is customary to bid on and try to purchase the Aliyos known as "Choson Torah" (The aliyah where the Torah is "finished") and "Choson Bereishis" (The Aliyah where the Torah is once again begun) for high amounts of money, which goes to support Talmidei Chachamim or the needs of the Shul where people daven and learn or other worthy Torah causes.

If possible, it is best to try and have these Aliyos go to Talmidei Chachamim or at least to respected people in the Tzibbur. (See Mishna Berura Siman 669:1)

The custom is for those who received the two aforementioned aliyos to make a Kiddush (on one of the Shabbosim in the next few weeks) to celebrate their receiving these exalted Aliyos, as they are a celebration of the completion [and re-starting] of Torah. (Tur Siman 669. See also Beis Yosef there and Kaf HaChaim 669:24 and Rama Yoreh Deah Siman 246:26)

Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Bereishis

1)Chazal say that one who keeps Shabbos is as if he has fulfilled the entire Torah.

One who transgresses Shabbos is as if he has transgresed the entire Torah. (See Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Siman 72:1)

2)One who transgresses Shabbos in public [which means that 10 people are aware that this person is a mechalel Shabbos], is considered like a non Jew for all purposes; we may not drink his wine, his bread is considered bread of a non Jew etc. (ibid. 72:2)

In order to keep Shabbos properly, it is imperative to study and become educated in the intricate details of the many Halachos pertaining to Shabbos.

The holy Chofetz Chaim Zatzal used to say that one who doesn't study Hilchos Shabbos is all but guaranteed to transgress the holy Shabbos Chas V'Shalom.

Beginning on Sunday,B'Ezras Hashem,we shall begin covering various topics in Hilchos Shabbos.

Our Tefilah to Hashem is that he give us the strength to become closer to Him via the study of these halachos, and may we all become better "Shomrei Shabbos" and soon merit the "Yom SheKulo Shabbos, days that are all Shabbos" with the arrival of Mashiach Tzidkeinu B'Meheira.


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers. Taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.

Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

If I put money in a pushka that I keep at home, and then submit it to the Tzedaka organization a few months later when it's full, have I fulfilled the mitzvah of giving tzedaka each day, or only when I give the money to the organization?


Your question is a difficult one, and one that the Poskim deal with.

The question is if by placing it in the Pushka it is merely considered that you said "Harei Zu L'Tzedakah" which is basically a Neder to give tzedaka, but not an actual giving of the Tzedakah, or is it already as if it is "in the hands of the Gabbai Tzedaka" and thus you were Mekayem your Mitzvah. ( This would have reverse ramifications as well, if for example one wanted to "borrow" some money from the Pushka. See Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah Siman 259:1)

The best thing to do is to make a "Tnai" (stipulation) saying that you want your Pushka to be Koneh the money for the organization, and thus it would be a Kiyum of Tzedakah according to all opinions.

(This stipulation would work in the reverse as well, if you dont want it to be Koneh until you transfer the funds to the organization. See Derech Emunah from Rav Chaim kanievsky Shlita, Hilchos Matnas Aniyim Perek 8 Ha'arah 121)

Posted 9/28/2010 7:19 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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