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FRUMToronto Articles Hilchos Shabbos

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Erev Shabbos-Hilchos Shabbos Series:

The following are excerpted from the outstanding work HaShabbos BeTifarta (Hebrew, Volume 2) by HaRav Avraham Chaim Hadas, Shlita, which contains many Halacha Le’Maaseh Shailos, and outstanding pictures to clarify and remember the Halachos.

a. The R’M M’Kobrin, Z’tl, teaches that if a person wants to come closer to Kedusha and Avodas Hashem, and doesn’t know where to begin, he should begin by improving with Inyanei (matters relating to) Shabbos Kodesh.

b. One cannot remove a piece of candy or gum stuck to the hairs of a shtreimel, fur coat, or the like, because it is a Psik Raisha that one will remove some animal hair along with it (Gozez).

c. One should not remove a bandage on Shabbos if it will result in hairs being removed, as well. If one must remove a dressing, he should put alcohol on the spot first, so that the bandage will come off more easily without removing hairs (Gozez).

d. One may not make a necktie on Shabbos, if he intends to leave it made past Motzei Shabbos (i.e., more than 24 hours after made). Conversely, one should not undo a necktie on Shabbos if he is used to keeping the necktie made and ready to wear for a period of longer than 24 hours (Koshair and Mattir).

e. One should not tighten his Tzitzis knot on the bottom of his Tallis or Tallis Katan if it has become loose (Koshair).

f. Although one may not staple on Shabbos, one may use a paper clip to clip two things together.

g. One may not open a new shirt on Shabbos if he has to take out pins which are stuck through the shirt twice (Koraya).

h. On every Erev Shabbos after Chatzos, HaRav Chaim Pilagi, Z’tl, would daven to Hashem that nothing would happen this Shabbos that would require c’v’ the Shabbos to be violated, such as a choleh mesukan, a fire, or other danger.

Hakhel Note: Each and every one of us can certainly emulate this heartfelt request!

Posted 4/24/2009 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Hilchos Shabbos | Comments (0)

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