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Erev Shabbos Halachos on Shabbos -16 Mar Cheshvan 5769

We continue with our Erev Shabbos Halachos of Shabbos series. Specifically, we present below rulings of HaRav Kanievsky, Shlita, relating to Hilchos Shabbos, as presented in the Sefer Shailas Rav. We once again remind our readers that although the Sefer expressly states that one is not to Paskin Halacha L’Maaseh from the Sefer, the answers (and the questions!) certainly provide a valuable basis for one to ask his own Shaila. Rav Kanievsky’s Teshuvos are as follows:

Q: Can one use a frozen Challah for Lechem Mishna?

A: If it will be fit for consumption that day, it is possible.

Q: Can one walk in the street on Shabbos with his shoelace untied (assuming it is otherwise safe), or, because it is untied, is it considered a masoi--not part of your clothing--and prohibited, i.e., must you stop in the street to tie an untied shoelace right away?

A: It is permitted to walk with an untied shoelace.

Q: Is it permissible to touch an article of clothing when you believe that it will create static electricity?

A: Yes.

Q: If one’s Shalosh Seudos continues past Shekia into the evening, and one wanted to eat something which requires a Brocha Rishona in the course of a meal (such as a fruit or wine), would it be permissible to eat that item, as one will be making a new brocha on food after Shekia?

A: Yes, it is permissible in the course of a meal.

Q: When does one look at his nails at Havdallah--before the brocha of Borei Meorai Hoaish, or after (See Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 298:3)?

A: There are different opinions, and those who are careful look at their nails both before and after the brocha.

Q: At Melave Malka there is a Tefillah entitled "Ribon HaOlamim." Should women also recite this tefillah?

A: Yes.

Q: On Motze’ei Shabbos at Melave Malka, does one say Shir HaMaalos or Al Naharos Bavel? Likewise, does one recite Migdol or Magdil at Melave Malka?

A: One recites Al Naharos Bavel and Magdil.

Posted 12/3/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Hilchos Shabbos | Comments (0)

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