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FRUMToronto Articles Hilchos Shabbos

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Erev Shabbos--Halachos of Shabbos
We present the following practical Halachos of Muktza as excerpted from the
first thorough work of its kind in English, The Halachos of Muktza by Rabbi
Pinchas Bodner, Shlita (Feldheim; originally published in 1981).

1. Shells, Peels: Inedible peels and shells are muktza. Therefore, items
such as egg shells, nut shells, and the like are muktza. Edible peels such as
apple peels or pear peels are viewed as regular food and not muktza. Peels
which are only suitable for animals, are not muktza on Shabbos.

2. Canned Food: According to some poskim it is prohibited to open cans, as
well as many types of sealed food containers and bottles on Shabbos. The
poskim rule, however, that all sealed food containers and canned goods are nor
muktza. However, cans containing food which is not edible on Shabbos e.g.
popping corn, are muktza.

3. Rain: According to most poskim, rain which fell on Shabbos or Yomtov is
not considered nolad and may be used. These poskim rule that since the
moisture existed beforehand (in the form of clouds); it is not considered nolad
when it falls on Shabbos or Yomtov. Thus, according to this view, one may
drink, use, and move this rain water (providing that it is not dirty) on Shabbos.

4. The following are the halachos of muktza with regard to medications on
Shab¬bos and Yom Tov:

a. Medications which will not be used on Shabbos are muktza. This applies
both to prescription and non-prescription medications, e.g. aspirin, Alka
Seltzer, and cough medicines are all muktza.

b. Medicines as well as all types of muktza may be moved for a sick
person, even for a Choleh Sheayn Bo Sakana--a sick person whose sickness does not
pose a possible threat to his life.

5. Garbage and Garbage Cans: Usable food items in the garbage are under
certain conditions, not Muktza, however, many items commonly found in one’s
garbage are muktza. Therefore: since many garbage items are muktza, it is
suggested that one should not move his garbage or his garbage can on Shabbos or Yom
Tov [without the guidance of your Rav, as to your particular situation].
Where foul odors from the garbage are causing discomfort to people, the garbage
may be removed in accordance with the rules outlined in Chapter 21, part 6 of
the book.

6. Frozen Food: Frozen ready-to-eat food is not muktza. Of course, frozen
raw meat has the same halacha as raw meat and is muktza. The reason that
frozen ready-to-eat food is not muktza is that although the frozen food is
inedible bain hashmoshos, since it can be defrosted and, thereby, become edible on
Shabbos, it is considered regular food and is not muktza.

Posted 8/4/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Hilchos Shabbos | Comments (0)

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