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FRUMToronto Articles Hilchos Shabbos

Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
Friday July 25 - Erev Shabbos--Halachos of Shabbos Series.
1.      HaRav Cordevero, Z’tl writes in his Sefer Raishis Chochma (Shaar HaKedusha, Chapter 3), that Shabbos is holy because of the additional neshamos which are added on this day (the neshama yesaira of each and every one of us), and that it is fitting for us to help sanctify the Neshama Yesaira through our deveikus to Hashem on this day through our kavanah in Tefillah and the study of Torah.  We should, therefore, endeavor to daven with more Kavanah on Shabbos than we may otherwise have on a regular weekday.  If one can begin this Shabbos to focus on the meaning of the words of Nishmas and each of the unique Shabbos Shemone Esreis, we will raise the Kedushas HaShabbos for ourselves--from within and without.
2.       The following Halachos are excerpted from an essential Shabbos Sefer, The Shabbos Home (Volume 2) by Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen, Shlita (Artscroll, 2003):

a.      If a colored liquid spills, it should preferably be wiped up with a disposable napkin or towel.  If no disposable item is available, one may use a cloth.  However, the cloth should preferably not be the same color as the liquid that spilled.  If no cloth of another color is available, this one may be used (as well).
b.      There is dissent among the contemporary Poskim regarding the colored blocks of deodorizer commonly placed in toilet bowls.  Some hold that they may not be used on Shabbos, for they cause the water to become colored during flushing.  Others maintain that these deodorizers are permitted for use.  Therefore, it is best to remove these items from one’s toilet before Shabbos.  In the event that they were not removed, one should remove them on Shabbos.  If this is not possible, and no other bathroom is available, one may rely on the Poskim who permit the use of these deodorizers on Shabbos.
c.      Bending a safety pin that is unusable in its present state is prohibited from the Torah.  If it is usable in its present state, bending it back into shape is prohibited Rabbinicaly.  Likewise, it is forbidden to bend back a key into shape, or to straighten out a bent hook, even if they are usable in their present states.


Posted 7/26/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Hilchos Shabbos | Comments (0)

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