The Ramchal tells us that HaShem is the infinite and absolute Good. The essence of good is to bestow eternal joy upon others. In this light, HaShem created the universe in order to bestow the Highest Good upon his creations.
Therefore, HaShem wants us to study Torah and perform Mitzvoth, i.e., "If you will follow My statutes." It is as if HaShem tells B'nei Yisrael, "If only you would fulfill the Torah, I will bestow upon you all the treasures from My abundant storehouse of blessings."
The eternal joy that HaShem grants us as a reward for the Mitzvoth is not really proportional to our deeds. We perform the Mitzvoth because they are "the Divine rules." HaShem rewards us with an eternal place in Gan Eden because He is Good. His intention in creation is to reveal His light and holiness upon us. He just asks us to do the Mitzvoth so that we can merit being in His splendorous presence.
Since, He desires to grant us the great pleasure of the Shechinah the revelations of the Divine Presence, He urges us to engage in Torah study. Therefore, the blessings of reward that HaShem bestows upon us, is the very fulfillment of HaShem's purpose in the creation of Heaven and earth.
May we engage in Torah study and Mitzvah performance in order to facilitate the fulfillment of HaShem's will. That is, to bestow the ultimate of goodness, light, and joy upon His creations.
[Based on Da'as Chaim of Rabenu Yerucham]
TODAY: Know that HaShem's purpose in creation of the universe is to bestow the ultimate good upon you.