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Ve Yetzai
Ve Yetzai :

Rashi asked the question, why was it necessary to add the words from Ber Sheva.  And he answers... However there is another explanation according to the Beis Ha Levy, who says usually there are two options as to why a person leaves a city.  One is to remove himself from where he is, and the other is to be in the special place where he is going. And if the reason is because you are getting away from a situation where you don’t want to be, the words will come out like that. IE  Ploney left Toronto, but if the reason is that he needed to be in say Detroit, the words will say,  and Ploney went to Detroit.  So here because the Pasuk says Yakov left BerSheva and he went to Charon, it shows us that Yacov was doing two Mitvos when he left. One was listening to his father Yacov, who said to find  a wife in Charan, and he was listening to his mother Rivkah who said run away from here because Esav wants to kill you.  This has nothing to do with me leaving and coming back, but as I thought it interesting. I’m passing it on to you.

You should have a wonderful, GUT SHA - BASS
Rb Yossi

Posted 11/29/2009 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

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