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Surrounded by HaShem's Love and Compassion

THE FAITH AND TRUST OF PSALMS____________22:10______
"For You drew me out of the womb; You made me secure when I nursed from my mother."
When a baby is born, he is incapable of seeking his own food. Therefore, the baby’s food source must come from his caregivers. There is no love as deep and true like the love of mother for her baby. Accordingly, HaShem blesses the infant’s mother so that her own body flows with a perfect supply of nourishment for her beloved child. The abundant and every ready supply of milk provide the child with the proper nutrition so that the baby incrementally develops in size, strength, and intelligence. Ultimately, the child is strong enough to seek and obtain his required food.  
A child who is nursed senses the contentment of being fed by his mother whose affection pours into her child with the sweet milk that fills his mouth. What’s more, the infant feels secure when his mother gently cradles him in her arms and lovingly provides him with his sustenance. The nursing experience fills a child with confidence and optimism for his entire life.
Nursing is not a natural phenomenon that happens by chance. Rather, it is a miracle emanating from the wondrous wisdom of HaShem. When we reflect on the marvel of birth and the nursing process, we realize that HaShem is our Creator. His love and care surrounds us from our inception and continues throughout the entire course of our lives. We recognize that HaShem is the source of our life and strength.   
In this light, King David said, "For You drew me out of the womb; You made me secure when I nursed from my mother." He was entirely confident in the love and care that HaShem had for him.  Therefore, he had no doubt that HaShem would save him in every situation and rescue him from every danger.
May we achieve clarity in recognizing HaShem’s magnificent love for us. Then our hearts will be filled with trust in HaShem and He will deliver us in every situation.
[Based on the commentary of the Radak to Tehillim]
TODAY: Reflect on the loving-kindness of HaShem, Who continuously surrounds you with you love and care.

Posted 11/29/2009 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

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