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Devrei Torah relating to the weekly Parsha.

Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
How to help a young fighting couple - A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #583
How can you help a new couple in your family that are fighting, and are thinking of separating?

If you can get them to visit some competent talmid chochom (now don't send them to me) to discuss things… I'll explain something to you. If the talmid chochom can reduce the level of fighting by five percent, he's a big success. Any doctor that can cure you by five percent is a success. Fighting goes on in very many homes, and therefore although it's better not to fight, but fighting is not a tragedy. It's a pity but not a tragedy. But the fighting should be reduced a little bit with eitzos and tachbulos.

I once had a pair come to me and I told him, he should just keep quiet, not answer. Now, she wouldn't listen to me, so she kept on fighting all the time. But you can't fight if you only have one side, you have to have two to make a fight, and therefore to a big extent their marriage was saved. Therefore you can always help out if you'll steer them to somebody who's capable of talking to them.

A big mitzvah by the way, to bring shalom bein ish l'ishto – a very big mitzvah.

Rabbi Miller on the Parsha:

לא־תחוס עינך עליו ובערת דם־הנקי מישראל וטוב לך
And you shall clear out the innocent blood from Israel; and it shall be good for you. (Devorim 19:13)

Two intentions are included here.

(1) "The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the earth" (Breshis 4:10). Unlike the atheists of today that say that the dead man is no more, and therefore there is no purpose in killing the slayer; the Torah teaches the truth that the dead man continues to exist, and his soul cries out for revenge. Unlike the brutish judge that declared "the courtroom is no place for revenge", we must judge and punish even for mere revenge to console the murdered man. "The innocent blood" that cries out must be answered; thereby the claim of the innocent blood is removed from Israel.

(2) Another intention: to clear out and to discourage bloodshed, it is imperative to kill the slayer. The public execution of the murderer is most effective (unlike the wicked falsehood of the posturing libertarians that claim that the execution of criminals does not inhibit bloodshed). Most instances of murder would never have happened if the death penalty was the certain outcome.

Posted 8/13/2021 1:43 PM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

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