If a person feels he didn't accomplish enough in learning, how can he be satisfied? When he is in business, his heart hurts him that he's not able to learn enough?
You know, that's the yetzer hora. Every night when a person comes back from work, he could have a little nap. If he can learn 45 minutes every night, he can become a great lamdan. Let him learn let's say just gemara alone, over and over again, one perek until he knows the perek; he can learn it with the translation if necessary. From beginning to end he should be able to daven through one perek. If he can say it like Ashrei, then you're on the road to success. Then another perek. You'll be surprised – after a while he'll know whole mesechtos. It's only the yetzer hora.
What about Shabbos? What about Friday night? What about motzei Shabbos? Sometimes he doesn't work on Sunday either – plenty of time to learn. You have to utilize it. He wants to be at leisure all day long and loaf all day long. So now he'll go back to the yeshiva, and instead of learning, he'll loaf all day long.
No! Don't fool yourself. Therefore if you have the opportunity to learn now, utilize whatever you have. Hamekabel oluv ol Torah, if a person takes the yoke of Torah when he's busy, so Hashem is mavirin mimenu ol malchus v'ol derech eretz, Hashem will make it easier for you and you'll find more and more time to learn as a result.
Make use of the opportunities that you have right now, and you'll be surprised how great you can become in Torah, even by studying Torah in your spare time.
Good Shabbos To All
This is transcribed from questions that were posed to Harav Miller by the audience at the Thursday night lectures.
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