Is there a difference between the chasidim and the litvish today, and what are the differences?
I'll tell you a little story. Once upon a time there was a wealthy man. He had two kitchens, a fleishig kitchen with a cook, and another kitchen for delicious milchig meals. His fortunes took a turn and his wealth began to decrease, so he had less and less meat and more and more potatoes, also less and less cheese and more and more potatoes. After a while he only had potatoes, so he said why make milchig potatoes and fleishig potatoes, they're all potatoes!
Once upon a time there were chasidim, with avodas Hashem, firedik chasidim – old chasidim were fire. Misnagdim, Torah – learning all the time. Little by little... chasidim began to learn too, misnagdim started learning mussar – today there's not much difference.
By the way there is a difference, and I say each group should maintain its differences, we shouldn't become one. Hakdosh Baruch Hu wanted all the shevatim should be separate shevatim, Reuvain separate, Shimon separate, each shevet had its own characteristics, every shevet had its maalos. Those who are chasidim should remain chasidim, we need them. Misnagdim, who are all for learning Torah and yiras shomayim, each one should improve. It could be eventually that they will all become the same, all will become tzadikim gemurim! Very good, but in the meantime don't give up your idiosyncrasies.
Hakadosh Baruch Hu loves Reuvain, He loves Shimon, He loves chasidim, He loves misnagdim, He loves them all...כן ירבו וכן יגדלו
Good Shabbos To All
This is transcribed from questions that were posed to Harav Miller by the audience at the Thursday night lectures.
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210