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Devrei Torah relating to the weekly Parsha.

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V’Ahavta L’Rayacha Komocha

In this week’s Parsha, we find the immense Mitzvah of "V’Ahavta L’Rayacha Komocha" (Vayikra 19:18)--you shall love your fellow as yourself. The scope and breadth of this "K’lal Gadol B’Torah--great principle of the Torah" (Shabbos 31A) includes the following situations which are listed in, or based upon, the teachings of Love Your Neighbor (by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin, Shlita, the wonderful work referred to yesterday). The Mitzvah is fulfilled when:

A craftsman or worker is mindful that he is making a product, or performing a service, not merely for a source of income, but also for the benefit or pleasure of the person who will use it;

Teaching another person Torah;

Forgiving one who has hurt or offended you;

Helping someone by making change for a larger bill or coin, or giving them a quarter for the parking meter;

Going out of your way not to keep people waiting--trying to be the first one present on a conference call or for a meeting;

Intentionally steering clear of annoying others--such as not slamming doors, making screeching noises with your nails, or doing something to which another person present would respond with "Uch"! Or "How could you do that?!" Note here that the "L’Rayacha Komocha" is dependent on the person who is present, and is not the standard of the average person. You must specifically relate to the person who is with you;

Bringing good news or happiness to others;

Getting some air or taking a walk with someone who appears troubled or is clearly in need of talking;

Complimenting someone for their job, effort, or appearance; and

Giving Tzedakah to someone, or helping someone with something he needs help with, **BEFORE** being asked.

May we all be zoche to fulfill this K’lal Gadol B’Torah!

Posted 4/27/2009 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (1)

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