In this weeks Parsha Yacov ( Yisroel ) gives his blessing to Yosef that his
children Yid-Gu into a multitude in the midst of the earth.
Rashi explains Ve-Yid-Gu = equals Dagim, fish, and just like fish multiply
and increase, and that no evil eye has power over them... `( Also his children
shall grow into a multitude and no evil eye will have power over them.) There
are many questions and explanations on what really happened and why it happened
this way. What a strange language to use. Yisroel (and not Yacov is used in
the last Pasuk for a special reason) blessed Yosef that he should become a fish
Yid - Gu - FISH - the noun, suddenly became a verb. Become a fish. What a
wonderful blessing. Why did he deserve this ? The Gemorra in Bruchos daf nun
hey, amud beis, and I quote. " And you should grow like a fish abundantly in the
midst of the earth, What that fish in the sea, the water covers them and no evil
eye can have poser over them,also the seed of Yosef, no evil eye will have power
over them. There are many questions and the answers are complex. This is such a
High quality blessing, " By thee shall Israel bless, saying G-d make thee as
Ephraim and as Manasseh" And until today, tonight we will bless our children in
this way.
A Gut Shab-bass
Rb Yossi
PS : if anyone is looking for a job, I noticed this.
Bird Chaser
Chase away birds at a fish farm.
Immediate availabiity, drive a manual gear.
3 Month positin,
flexible hours, during daylight hours only