Winter has finally set in here in Israel. With cold weather, rain and wind in
the north and central parts of the country.
The rockets aren’t falling near me, but the stones are. Those
"neighbours" of ours are out throwing stones again in our area. Mostly I travel
with the bullet - proof Egged bus, but we have lots of families here with private
cars and renting cars with glass windows. My son lives in Ashdod where the
bombs are falling. For Shabbas he is with his wife’s family in Emanuel, also not
one of the safest places going in and out.
Yes, the southern part of the country is having its own storm as we all
And here in the mountains on Metzad, its below zero at night. That
means leaving the tap water running slightly so the pipes don’t freeze and bust
. And I left my warm winter gloves in a taxi today, and my black hat on the
Egged bus a couple of weeks ago, and it hasn’t turned up yet... so the mussar
haskale is I gotta get my head out of the clouds...
And now for a word of Torah :
What happened in the seconds between the time that Yosef
ordered all the Egyptians out of the room, and the time that he revealed himself
to his brothers ? That split second, what could have happened ? What a chance
Yosef was taking ? Yehuda especially, was ready and waiting for the moment to
kill him. The brothers had already divided the land into 12 sections and each
was conquering a piece. They thought, when Yosef sent all his people away,
"What a fool, now we will kill him and grab Benyamin and escape back to Eretz
So how could Yosef be so foolish as to send out all
who could save him and leave himself so vulnerable ?
Good Shabbas
Rb Yossi