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Shabbas Parshat Mekaitz
"And Yosef recognized his brothers, but they didn’t recognize him." (Breishis 42:8)

In this week’s parsha the master plan of the Almighty to bring the Jewish People down to Egypt begins to unfold. Yaakov sends his sons down to Egypt to buy food because of a famine in the Land of Canaan. They approach the Viceroy of Egypt to appeal for food without realizing that he is none other than their brother Yosef. Why didn’t they recognize him? Did thirteen years make such a difference in his appearance that they couldn’t discern that it was their own brother? Indeed, Yosef recognized them after the years of separation. 

The Baal Haturim as well as other commentators explain that since the brothers sold Yosef to be a lowly slave they couldn’t imagine that he could reach such a height as becoming the second in command of the entire Egyptian nation.  Think a little about what this tells us about our nature !!

Rosh Chodesh : When Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbas, there is a minhag to prepare an extra dish, something different as a sign that it is a different Shabbas, and now when its ...  

Hanuka :  When Hanuka falls on shabbas, there is also a minhag to prepare an extra dish.  So now we have for this special Shabbas, two extra dishes.  Two items that you might not have on a normal Shabbas

And that’s the order.  tadir ve aino tadir, tadir Kodem.  What we do most often, and something that is not so often, we do the one we do more often - first.

In other words, the day is short and the time is moving.  First prepare your normal Shabbas food, then the extra for Rosh Chodesh, and finally the extra dish for Hanuka.    If you want my Poulet a La Basque recipe, let me know and I will try and write it for you in the few remaining seconds I have before Shabbas.  

Have a great one.  

Rb Yossi Ponak

Posted 12/29/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

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