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FRUMToronto Articles Parsha Pearls

Devrei Torah relating to the weekly Parsha.

Blog Image: FishRabbi.JPG

Towards the end of the parsha Yosef is falsely accused and placed in an Egyptian prison. One morning Yosef finds two of the Royal servants very distressed. They had strange dreams and Yosef offers to interpret them. He gives brilliant interpretations to their dreams, and exactly as Yosef predicted the Royal Wine Pourer is freed from prison and returned to his position of honor. Before being freed Yosef beseeches him to appeal to Pharaoh for Yosef's pardon from prison. In the end he forgets all about Yosef.

 "And the Royal Wine Pourer did not remember Yosef and forgot about him." (Breishis 40:23)

The Baal Haturim comments that the Royal wine pourer was a kafuee tova, an ingrate. He didn't appreciate the kindness that Yosef did for him.

Rashi comments on the seeming redundancy of this verse. Not remembering and forgetting would seem to be the same. Rashi explains that he didn't remember Yosef on the day he was freed. In other words he didn't mention Yosef to Pharoah on the first day. After that he forgot all about Yosef. On the day the Royal Wine Pourer was freed he obviously remembered about Yosef but chose to push off mentioning him to Pharaoh. In the ensuing days he totally forgot about Yosef.

Had the Royal Wine Pourer had a sense of appreciation he would have made a point of immediately trying to help Yosef. Instead, because of callous lack of appreciation, he allowed himself to forget about Yosef over time. After two years, when it served his own self interest to help interpret Pharaoh's dream, he remembered about Yosef.   A person with a sense of appreciation will go out of his way to show appreciation. He won't allow forgetfulness to stand in the way of showing gratitude. When something is important to us we make a point to remember.

I thank Rabbi Beryl Glaser, my neighbor and friend for this interesting word.

Have a great Shabbas and I'll send out my Hanuka word shortly

Rb Yossi Ponak

Posted 12/19/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

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