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FRUMToronto Articles Parsha Pearls

Devrei Torah relating to the weekly Parsha.

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In one of the most enigmatic passages of the Torah we find the account of Yehudah and his daughter-in-law, Tamar. The Midrash explains that since she was covered with a veil, Yehudah did not recognize her. As he passed her on the crossroads he wished to avoid her and continue on his journey, but HaShem sent the angel who is charge of desire to  appear to Yehudah, and he said to him, "Where are you going, Yehudah? If you pass by her, from where will kings arise, from where will redeemers arise?" Therefore, "he turned to her" - in spite of himself and against his will. 
Subsequently, Tamar gave birth to twin boys and one of them, Peretz, was the progenitor of King David. Our Sages explained that if the events that engendered King David and the messianic dynasty had not happened in this mysterious fashion, then they would have never materialized! The fundamental principle that underlies the manifestation of the messianic kingship is absolute secretiveness. 
HaShem, only Him and no other, brings about the events that beget the messiah. No human being, not even the progenitors of the messianic family, can have any knowledge or awareness of the ramifications of what is taking place.  Rather the entire process is masterminded by HaShem and must be totally concealed from the hearts of man.
The spirituality, wisdom, and holiness of the messianic family supersede human nature. Thus, the phenomenon of the messiah does emerge through the normative process. It must be shrouded in secrecy in order not to awaken the counter forces, who would attempt to destroy good. Hence, HaShem, alone, prepares and activates the plan that ultimately will bless the world with knowledge of G-d, light, and peace.
In addition, no man can be consciously aware of his role in the emergence of the messiah, so that when the sun of messianic age rises like a brilliant light, every soul will know that HaShem, alone, brought forth this glorious deliverance.  
May our prayers ascend unto Heaven - awakening mercy - so that HaShem brings about the glorious redemption.  
[Based on Da’as Torah of Rav Yerucham of Mir]
TODAY: Say a private prayer asking HaShem to bring the Messiah.

Posted 12/19/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

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