Why is yetzias Mitzrayim, going out of Mitzrayim, mentioned in the Kiddush Friday night?
You have to understand that Shabbos commemorates two great creations. We say yotzreinu, yotzer bereishis (modim d'rabonon), He created us and He created in the beginning. What does that mean, He created us, He created the beginning? He created in the beginning first, and then He created us.
The answer is, He's telling that there are two separate creations in the world, one was He created a nation, a chosen people. Am zu yotzarti Li, I created this nation for Me. The Jewish people are created by Hashem, we're made to order, Te'hilosi y'sapeiru, that they should speak My praise. Yehuda has in it Yud Kei Vov Kei, it's the name of Hashem, but Yehuda means, he shall praise. It means the Jewish people are created for the purpose to praise Hashem, that's our job in this world. Yehuda, he's going to praise for ever and ever.
Now we say there's a yetzira before that, from the beginning Hakadosh Baruch Hu, when He made the world, He had us in mind. So there are two creations, Friday night in Kiddush we commemorate both, zeicher l'maaseh Breishis, and zeicher l'yetzias Mitzrayim. There are two things, maaseh Breishis, creation of the world; yetzias Mitzrayim is the creation of Jewish People.
And it's so important that the world is justified in the fact that there is a Jewish People.
Good Shabbos To All
This is transcribed from questions that were posed to Harav Miller by the audience at the Thursday night lectures. To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210