Here's a new shiur entitled "Ori B'Rosh Hashana" just in time for this special Yom Tov. We have also made the shiur on Yom Kippur from last year available in case you didn't yet have a chance to listen.
Our work at Ani Maamin never stops! While we continue to travel around the world strengthening Emunah in classrooms and homes, we have also been working tirelessly on producing updated and new material.
The newly revised and expanded series "Know What to Answer to Yourself" has been very well received. Those who already enjoyed the older version were especially delighted with the additional information. The new book "Emunah, A Refresher Course" will IY"H be in stores by Chanuka! The feedback from leading Mechanchim and Rabbonim who reviewed this project has been extremely positive and encouraging.
We daven and hope that these efforts and tools will enable all Yidden to continue strengthening their Emunah and the Emunah of those around them.
Wishing you a כתיבה וחתימה טובה און א גוט געבענטשט יאהר,