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Blog Image: Rav_Miller.jpg
Parshas Korach 5775

If Kavod is such a silly thing to pursue in this world, why is it the reward in the next world?

Kavod is not silly at all, Kavod is real. Oh it's a joy to get glory, and that's why everybody runs after it, don't tell me Kavod is nothing, only it depends who gives you the Kavod. As I once explained, in this rug there are billions of bacteria, even if it's a clean rug there are billions of bacteria. Suppose all the bacteria in this rug are going to applaud you, you walk in and nobody is present. Silence: all the bacteria are clapping their hands, you're not excited over that, so who cares if big bacteria is clapping?

Let's say it's a grand stadium and millions of men are applauding you, it's nothing, it's bacteria!! Who cares what they do? Only one audience we have, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, if He applauds it's meloh kol haaretz kevodo, that applause is all we want. Sure we want Kavod, it's the Kavod that He gives, that's the only Kavod that counts. So Kavod chachomim yinchulu, certainly chachomim will inherit Kavod, everybody want's Kavod by instinct, there is not a deception. Only, you have to make sure it's the right kind of Kavod. Therefore Kavod in this world is worthless, only the Kavod that Hashem gives.

However I want to say one word of caution, human beings are so lazy, it's so hard for them to stir themselves to do anything, that they have to try various methods to give themselves a push. It's like trying to climb a mountain; it's hard work to climb uphill. But when you have some kind of an impetus, an incentive, it's easier. Therefore, l'olam ya'asok adam ba'torah uba'mitzvos shelo lishma, you should have an incentive. You want Kavod for Torah, yes! You want foolish Kavod in this world? That Kavod will help you climb the difficult mountain, it's not easy to learn Gemara, Rashi, and Tosfos. It's easier to lie in bed and read a newspaper. But when you get Kavod for learning Torah, it's an incentive and therefore it's worth it.

Even for Mitzvos, just to run to the Bais Hakneses so people should speak well of you, you think, it's beneath my dignity to do things for Kavod. No! Even Mitzvos do for Kavod, she'mitoch shelo lishma buh lishma. So once more, do not despise the incentive of Kavod if it helps you accomplish good things.

Good Shabbos To All

This email is transcribed from questions that were posed to Harav Avigdor Miller by the audience at the Thursday night lectures.
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210

Posted 6/19/2015 11:11 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

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