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Blog Image: OU.jpg
Utz 2.75 oz. Wavy Original Potato Chips - May contain DAIRY
Utz 2.75 oz. Wavy Original Potato Chips
Brand: Utz
Product: 2.75 oz. Wavy Original Potato Chips
Company: Utz Quality Foods, Hanover PA
Issue: Mislabeled Product

Some Utz 2.75 oz. Wavy Original Potato Chips may inadvertently contain dairy seasoning. This only pertains to product with a May 06 2024 expiration date and the batch number 23363030203. This product was distributed in the NY Metropolitan area. Utz issued a voluntary recall for this product.

Posted 1/30/2024 8:03 PM | Tell a Friend | Kosher Alerts | Comments (0)

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