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Blog Image: womensretreat.jpg
Menucha Retreat for Women this summer
Menucha Retreat is finally back and gearing up for a unique three week summer experience for the women of our community.
It's the ideal getaway... in town!

Sample programming includes:
Fitness daily - yoga, aerobics, aquatics, simcha dancing
Paint your own Masterpiece
Making Friends with your Hormones - by Dr Dahlia Nahon
Inspiring Shiurim daily
Communicating with Difficult People - by Sarah Chana Radcliffe
Spa Day
Cook off with Estee Kafra
Cooking Tips from a professional chef David Bloom - a hands on experience.
Mystery House outing
And much more

Each day at Menucha Retreat brings a sense of adventure, fun, personal growth and camaraderie!
When: June 29 -July 15 (Monday through Wednesday) 10:00 AM. - 1:00 PM
Where: Beth Jacob High school auditorium
Cost:$300 for the season or $125 per week
Babysitting available
To register or for more information email:
Or call:
Esther Basser 416-638-3366
Chavi Czermak 416-787-8123
Shifra Spiro 416-781-9768

Posted 5/28/2015 8:31 PM | Tell a Friend | Community Events Blog | Comments (0)

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