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Shabbos and Yom Tov information.

Third Day Chol Hamoed
[c]THE HOLY SHABBOS FRIDAY EVENING,Oct. 21, 19 TISHREI[/c] Regular Kiddush of Shabbos in the Succah; at the end of Kiddush the Bracha Leishev Basuccah is made. SHABBOS MORNING, Oct. 22 SHACHRIS Regular Shabbos services: Psukei Dazimra, Nishmas, Shemonah Esrei of Shabbos with Yaaleh Veyavo; Chazzan's Repetition; complete Hallel ([red]we do not take the Lulav on Shabbos[/red]), Kaddish Tiskabel; Sefer Koheles (Ecclesiastes); Mourner's Kaddish; we [blue]take out two Sifrei Torah[/blue]; in the first, there are seven Aliyahs from [blue]Parshas Ki Sisah [/blue](Shemos/Exodus 33:12-34:26) from "Re'eh Atah" until "Bachalev imo" Half-Kaddish; [blue]Maftir from second Torah[/blue] in [blue]Parshas Pinchas[/blue], Numbers 29:23-28 - "Uvayom Hariviyi" and "Uvayom Hachamishi"; [blue]Haftorah from Ezekiel [/blue]38:18-39:16; in the Brachos after the Haftorah both Shabbos and the holiday of Succos are mentioned; the concluding Bracha is "Mekadesh Hashabbos Veyisrael Vehazmanim"; (no Kah Keili, no Av Harachamim, and no Kayl Malei); Ashrei; Yehalilu; etc. Half-Kaddish. [blue]MUSSAF[/blue] Shemonah Esrei of Yom Tov Mussaf — "Umipnei Chataenu"; we mention Shabbos at all the appropriate places; the additional offerings mentioned are "Uvayom Hashabbos", "Uvayom Hariviyi", and "Uvayom Hachamishi" Chazzan's Repetition; Kedushah with Adir Adiranu; Hoshana: "Om Nezurah" ([blue]We do not take out a Sefer Torah, nor do we march around the Shul. However, the Aron HaKodesh is opened[/blue]); Kaddish Tiskabel; Ain Kailokanu; Aleinu; Anim Zmiros; Shir Shel Yom (Psalm of the Day); Ledovid Ori; Mourner's Kaddish; Adon Olam. [blue]MINCHA[/blue] Ashrei; Uva Letzion; Half-Kaddish; "Vaani Sfilasi"; Torah Reading: three Aliyahs in V'zos HaBracha (no Half-Kaddish after Torah Reading); Yehalilu; Half-Kaddish; Shemonah Esrei of Shabbos with Yaaleh Veyavo; Chazzan's Repetition; (we do not say Tzidkascha Tzedek); Kaddish Tiskabel; Aleinu; Mourner's Kaddish. [blue]FOURTH DAY CHOL HAMOED SATURDAY NIGHT,20 TISHREI, Oct. 22 [/blue] DEPARTURE OF SHABBOS MAARIV Weekday Shemonah Esrei, Atah Chonantonu; Yaaleh Veyavo; Kaddish Tiskabel; (we omit Vihi Noam and Va-ata Kadosh); we say Vayiten Lacha; Aleinu; Ledovid Ori; Mourner's Kaddish. We make the regular Havdalah for the departure of Shabbos in the Succah ([blue]the Bracha Leishev Basuccah is [red]not[/red] made in Havdalah[/blue]).

Posted 10/21/2005 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Gut Shabbos & Gut Yom Tov

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