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Inspirational words of Torah from Gedolei Yisroel.

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Rabbi Tarfon used to say: If you learned much Torah, Heaven will grant you  abundant reward. Your Master is trustworthy to 'pay your wages.' And know that the bestowal of the reward for the righteous is in the World to Come.

Just as the body requires sustenance, so too, the soul requires sustenance. The sustenance of the body is food, whereas the sustenance of the soul is holiness. When we engage in Mitzvoth we draw holiness upon our souls, which fills our souls with pleasure, joy, and life.

The holiness is manifested upon us in a few different ways. For instance, when we perform a Mitzvah we receive a reward that very day. Specifically, the Mitzvah that we performed today, grants us  the merit to receive a neshamah yeseira - an extra  dimension of holiness - on the Shabbos of that week in which we fulfilled that Mitzvah.

In addition, each Mitzvah that we perform and each word of Torah that we learn grants us an immediate increase in  our holiness.  Moreover, a Talmud Chacham, who is immersed in Torah study, receives a neshamah yeseira even on the weekdays. 

Up to here, we have explained the holiness that HaShem bestows upon a person in this world for the Mitzvoth that he has performed, i.e., "If you learned much Torah, Heaven will grant you  abundant reward. Your Master is trustworthy to 'pay your wages."

Whereas the next phrase in the Mishneh refers to our eternal reward in Gan Eden: "And know that the bestowal of the reward for the righteous is in the World to Come." The "bestowal of reward" in the World to Come will be exceedingly great and wondrous.

May we merit performing many Mitzvoth each day, so that we enjoy holiness in this world as well as the glorious, eternal reward in Gan Eden.

[Based on the commentary of the Chidah, who cites the Arizal]

TODAY: When you perform a Mitzvah, be aware of the holiness illuminating your soul - and rejoice.

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Posted 1/9/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

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