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Inspirational words of Torah from Gedolei Yisroel.

Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
My World and Welcome to It

The Mishna in Sanhedrin (37A) teaches that Adam HaRishon was created alone, yet has tens of billions of uniquely different descendents, in order for us to understand that someone who destroys one human life is considered to have destroyed the whole world, and one who saves one human life is considered to have saved an entire world. Furthermore, the Mishna continues, we learn from this amazing phenomenon that each person is obligated to recognize, appreciate and say, "The world was created for me."

The Sefer Orchos Tzaddikim (Chapter 28) demonstrates in detail how a human being is, in fact, a world unto himself, explaining how the various parts of the person are analogous to different parts of the universe. (See there for incredible details). As the Orchos Tzaddikim writes, each one of us is our own "Olam Katan"--our own little world. Now, this does not mean that we should be **IN** our own little world, separate and apart from others. Rather, it means that we should value our lives as Hashem values them, as a world, in and of itself.

Chazal, at the beginning of Pirkei Avos (1:2), teach us what a world **needs in order to exist**--"The world stands upon three things--Torah, Avodah (service of Hashem, which is currently evidenced by Tefillah) and Gemilas Chasodim--acts of kindness". We must therefore examine ourselves, as our own little world, to determine whether our world is truly worthy of standing and thriving. At the very least, at the end of each day we should check--how was my Torah, Avodah and Gemilas Chasodim today? [An even better approach may be, at the beginning of each day, to plan how you intend to keep your world standing.]

We note that the type of Torah, Avodah and Gemilas Chasodim a person undertakes could change from time-to-time, to help "grow" in your world.

At this time of year, we provide some timely suggestions for your world’s benefit, in daily Torah, Avodah and Gemilas Chasodim.

TORAH: Since this is a time of Geulah of the past and Geulah of the future, for the purpose of keeping his world going, one could read/learn/study:

Midrashim of Yetzias Mitzrayim and Geulah

the Laws of Korbon Pesach IMPORTANT NOTE: There are 8 Mitzvos that relate to Chometz and Matzah on Pesach. There are actually 16 Mitzvos that apply to the Korbon Pesach (yes, twice as many), that are missing from our lives until the Beis HaMikdosh is rebuilt. Let us show our longing for them by studying these laws.

the perek of Mishnayos printed in all Siddurim and known as Eizehu Mekoman--which gives the basic parameters of Korbanos, in order to, once again, prepare ourselves for the Third Beis HaMikdosh--hopefully today. Indeed, the Chofetz Chaim in many writings especially urged the study of Kodshim in our times. We can start by becoming familiar with this small, but crucial, chapter of Mishnayos, which is published in all Siddurim.

AVODAH (Service through Tefillah): During this month of Nissan, despite the usual rush at the end of davening, let us try to have special Kavanah, word-for-word, in the second paragraph of Aleinu, known as "V’Al Kein Nekavah Lecha", in which we beautifully describe, and pray for, not only our own world, but the entire world, at the time of Geulah. Since many of us may have committed this Tefillah to memory, we can think about it, and its meaning, while walking to the train, bus or store. Additionally, even if you have this beautified Tefillah memorized, while davening try reading it from the Siddur to increase your appreciation and Kavanah.

CHESED (Kind Deeds): The Tanna D’vei Eliyahu (Chapter 23) teaches that one of the key reasons we were redeemed from Mitzrayim was because we performed kind deeds to each other. Indeed, the Chofetz Chaim in Sefer Ahavas Chesed (2:5) writes that our acts of Chesed will be a resounding cause of our future Redemption. One may speciously claim that, unlike daily Torah and Tefillah, Acts of Chesed (e.g., visiting the sick or comforting mourners) seem not to be keyed in to daily performance. In fact, however, daily Chesed begins with immediate family and friends--the people you see all the time. Remember daily to SMILE, PROVIDE A GENEROUS DOSE OF KIND AND COMPLIMENTARY WORDS, PICK UP SOMETHING SOMEONE ELSE HAS DROPPED, DO SOMETHING WITHOUT BEING ASKED, and the list goes on and on ESPECIALLY WHEN SOMETHING MORE THAN "STAYING OUT OF THE WAY" OR "COOPERATION" IS NEEDED BEFORE YOM TOV. In short, at least with everyone in your immediate vicinity, you can do Chesed, and it can and should be one of a person’s constant DAILY activities.

There is an old debate as to whether the sun revolves around the earth, or the earth revolves around the sun. At this point, scientists believe that they know the answer. One thing is certain, though--our world revolves around us.

Posted 4/1/2009 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week | Comments (0)

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